Sword of Assassination
by Bruce E. Wright

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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The sword of assassination, also known as the ruby sword, is a
potent weapon in the hands of an assassin. If handled by any other
type of character, the sword appears to be (and can be used as) a
regular blade. Most (60%) of these swords are shortswords, and the
remainder are either longswords (30%) or broadswords (10%). All
swords of this type have a ruby of not less than 500 gp value
mounted on the pommel; hence their secondary name.

When used by an assassin character, a sword of assassination gives 
the wielder a bonus ?to hit? and on damage and adds a bonus onto
all assassination rolls attempted while using the weapon. The power
of a certain sword is determined randomly:

d% roll Bonus "to hit" and damage Bonus on assassination
01-60 +1 +5%
61-90 +2 +10%
91-95 +3 +15%
96-99 +4 +20%
00 +5 +25%

The bonus on assassination is only gained if the assassin has a
chance of assassinating his victim. Thus, the sword would give no
chance for an assassination roll to a 3rd-level assassin trying to slay a
12th-level victim ? but the assassin would gain the sword?s combat

A sword of assassination has the same chances to be intelligent as
any other magical sword, and will always have an evil alignment if
intelligence is indicated. Intelligent swords of this sort will never
betray their nature to any non-assassin.

    Experience Point Value: 800 per ?plus? of sword
    Gold Piece Sale Value: 2000 per ?plus? of sword