Protection circles
and the like, plus
news of the north
central Flanaess
by Gary Gygax

©1981 by Gary Gygax. All rights reserved.

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Dragon 56 - - - Dragon

As promised last time, this column will detail the current
happenings in the north central Flanaess. Before that, however,
are a few words regarding a different aspect of AD&D™ game play.

You will recall that the Lost Caverns of Tsojconth module was
mentioned in the previous issue. In this module are quite a few
new spells detailing the conjuration and servitude of powerful
creatures from other planes. TSR’s Product Development Department
was worried about a seeming conflict between the
new spell ensnarement (and its various protective devices) and
the information found in the MM regarding protective
devices versus devils.

Actually, both are correct, being facets of the whole. Here are
the six protective devices and their uses in the official AD&D
game system:

This device is a magical
sealing figure to contain any
creature magically trapped
and contained so as to seal
the container against escape.

Magic (protection) circle
This inscription is effective
against lesser devils and lesser
hostile sendings.

Magic Circle
This inscription wards against
all devils and creatures
from the upper Outer
and Astral Planes. <plural?>

Thaumaturgic Triangle
This inscription is effective
versus creatures from the Concordant
Opposition, Elemental,
and Ethereal Planes.

Thaumaturgic Circle
This device wards against
demons of power not greater
than Type V, as well as those
warded by a plain Thaumaturgic

This inscription protects
against all creatures from the
lower Outer Planes, except
devils, but including all forms
of demons.