Type V (Aishapra, Kevokulli, Marilith, Rehnaremme, etc.) <(DLA.116 lists Gorzaug as a Type V demoness)> <East Indian font>
<GDQ1-7, Appendix 4, Area 21>


Name: Marilith

Name = ?



Name = ?
NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 ~ 12
   khopesh, bastard sword, trident
    morning star, short sword, falchion
    tail : constrict for 2-8 <shouldn't this be a grapple attack?>
    <just guesses, to show a possible format>
    <whatever you think the weapons would be ...>



FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII])
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 or 1-6
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 7 + 7
% IN LAIR: 10%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 ~ 12
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/ & 6 varying
SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 1 or better weapon to hit
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: L (7' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: A, E/F, G, H
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 3000 + 16

Another of the female demons with a multiarmed female torso atop the body of a great snake.
Type V demons are taller than a large man and far more terrible.
Their six arms are all able to use weapons.
The favored weapons are swords and battle axes.

They can constrict a victim with their snakey tails as well.

When desiring to do so, they cause darkness in a 5' radius.
Other extraordinary abilities, any one of which can be performed as desired are:
charm person levitate (as an 11th level MU) read languages detect invisible object cause pyrotechnics
polymorph self - project image - gate *

*  type I (30% chance), type II (25% chance), type III (15% chance), type IV (15% chance), type VI (10%chance),
or one of the lords or princes (5%);
but the chance of successfully opening such a gate is a mere 50%.

Lower level demons greatly fear the domineering and cruel type V demons.
All of these creatures have names which can be used to aid in negotiations.
Demons of this type are likely to desire the sacrifice of strong warriors to them.


<note: the see the book Viper's Kiss, by Lisa Smedman, for one of the 'etc.' Type V demons>
<what was the name of the demoness who killed Mane, of Shadowdale, of the Forgotten Realms?>
<cf. Betrayal, Blood Wars>

<see Tulwar  (equiv. to scimitar - PH.37) : undoubtedly, this is one of the weapons of at least one of the Type V demons>



Q: My DM recently ruled that my party
?s cleric could not plane shift a
type V demon because the spell
requires a touch and the demon is
immune to normal weapons. The
cleric?s hand, my DM said, is not a
magical weapon.

A: Your DM is wrong. While a character?s
hand is not a magical weapon, immunity
to normal weapons does not confer immunity
to touch-delivered spells. While a
touch-delivered spell does require a successful
melee hit, it is not a melee attack
per se. Some DMs allow a spell-caster to
keep a touch-delivered spell ?on hand?
until he touches something; thus, if the
first attempt to touch the target misses, he
can try again. Holding a spell on hand
requires minor concentration which can
be broken voluntarily or by an attack that
damages the spell-caster. As long as the
spell is on hand, it will be discharged
whenever the caster?s hands touch anything
or anyone. The demon in your example
is entitled to its magic-resistance roll
even if the touch succeeds.
