Weapon Price Weight Length Space req. Speed factor Damage, S-M Damage, L 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Manriki-gusari w/hook +  6 gp 3.5 3' 2' 4 1-6 1-4 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1

+ The weapon will also do damage upon being violently torn from the victim's flesh.

MANRIKI-GUSARI with HOOK: Due to lack of a better name,
this weapon is considered a sub-class of the manriki-gusari
having at one end of its 3-foot length a barbed hook. The hook
has several advantages over the bludgeoning weight used on
the regular manriki-gusari, the best of which is that it is good for
taking foes alive. When the hooked portion of this weapon has
scored a hit, it is considered to have caught on the victim’s
flesh. (Allow characters to choose which side of the weapon
they are going to use at the beginning of each round, and treat
attacks with the blunt end as “normal” manriki-gusari strikes,
with the only adjustment being a speed factor of 5 instead of 4,
due to the extra manipulation required to use one end instead
of the other.) Once caught, the victim may elect to surrender. If
not, the hook can be pulled out forcibly, causing as much
damage coming out as it did going in.


by Randy Bowman
New Weapons Equipment Dragon #61 Dragon magazine