Cantrips for Druids
--  N a t u r a l l y
N e w   z e r o - l e v e l   s p e l l s
for the woods folk

by Rick Reid

Bird call Drywood Test soil Heal rash Cause rash
Mark path Disinfect Quench Parch Disguise scent
Edible plant - - - Repel insect
Dragon - - - Dragon 119

In DRAGON® issue #108, an article entitled "Cantrips for Clerics" dealt with the
possibility of zero-level spells called "orisons" for fledgling clerics and druids.
These were described as more powerful
prayers and responses, mostly with a
religious base. However, since the fledgling
druid (or Tenderfoot) will spend most of
his initial training in the forest or wilderness, it seems likely that he would be
taught prayers and chants that would be

of more benefit to him in this environment, before he learned the higher-level

With this in mind, the following list of 12
druidic cantrips or zero-level prayers are
presented. These may be used in the same
manner as magic-user cantrips; when the
druid reaches 1st level, he may substitute
four cantrips for one first-level spell.
While the most common use of each spell
is given in the description, crafty players
will surely find other ways to employ
them. As always, the final say in using
these spells lies with the DM.