Fire Phantom (Conjustaion/Summoning)
Level: 3
Range: 3"
Duration: 3 rnds/lvl
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 round
ST: None
AE: Special

This is a spell
used to summon one of the weaker types
of fire elementals: the fire phantom. The
summoned creature has 2 +2 HD, AC 5,
MV 12", and can be hit by ordinary, nonmagical
weaponry. The fire phantom
attacks once per round for 1-8 hp <fire> damage,
and can ignite any combustible materials
upon contact. The physical appearance of
a fire phantom is a fiery outline of a
vaguely humanoid form, 7' in height. The
phantom must always remain within 30?
of the spell-caster; if it moves beyond this
range the spell expires. Materials set
aflame by the fire phantom continue to
burn normally after the phantom is gone.

The fire phantom (being of low intelligence)
follows all commands given by its
summoner as long as the magic-user concentrates
on controlling it. If the spellcaster's concentration is broken, the
phantom immediately attacks the summoner.
Otherwise, the fire phantom
remains until it is destroyed or until the
spell's duration expires, whereupon it
vanishes. Note that any more powerful
creature from the Elemental Plane of Fire
can dismiss the fire phantom at will, or
even turn it upon its summoner, regardless
of other circumstances.

The material component of this spell is a
pint of oil which must be poured out and
ignited during the casting of the spell.

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan
Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon