A new column of
spells and enchantments

by Harold Dolan

“Arcane Lore” is a new column that
features original spells created by the
readership of DRAGON® Magazine for all
spell-casting AD&D® and D&D® game
classes. Submissions for this column may
be sent to the magazine, but these guidelines
should be observed:

All submissions to this column should be
on clean white paper, double-spaced, in
clear type or word-processor print. Particular
spells may be tied to a previously
published world in an AD&D® or D&D®
game product — such as Oerth, Krynn, the
Forgotten Realms, or Kara-Tur of the
AD&D® game; or the Known World and
Blackmoor lands of the D&D® game. Spell
descriptions should each be no more than
5 pages long, and the pages should be
numbered and fixed together with a staple
or paper clip, The authors address should
appear on the first page of each submission.
We may sort out spells and print
them in various groups (all magic-user
spells, all spells dealing with water, etc.),
so don’t count too much on seeing all of
your submissions run together as their
own group.

Spell descriptions should be complete
and carefully worked out to cover all
possible uses (and abuses), and each spell
should be balanced in terms of level and
effect. Please send no more than 6 spells
per submission. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed
envelope if you wish your material
to be returned; we cannot be
responsible for submissions without
SASEs. Magical items, unless closely tied
with the spells given, are used in the
“Bazaar of the Bizarre” column. — RM
<New magick items>

The Arch-Mage Avissar Fire-Eye is
remembered as one of the most powerful
magic-users of legend in his world. Tales
tell of his many adventures and exploits,
but it is a little-known fact that late in his
life, when he grew weary of traveling, he
settled in the Valley of Lanshaw and
founded a school for wizards there. Avissar
specialized in pyromancy -- magic
dealing with fire, smoke, heat, and light.
As a result, the school came to be known
as the Academy of Fire Magic.

Avissar recorded on scrolls many of the
spells created by himself and his pupils.
On his death, he was succeeded as Master
of the Academy by Mellix Kabiryn, his
greatest student. The Academy prospered
in Mellix's time; many scrolls of spells
were added to Avissar?s collection, and
they became known as the Fire-Eye

Mellix was succeeded by Fallion of the
Torch, who was fated to be the last of the
Academy's Masters. Fallion was fond of
experiments, and his goal was to develop
the ultimate magical explosive. In the end,
he half succeeded; he lost control of his
experiment, and the resulting explosion
was colossal. The entire Academy was
destroyed, and the surrounding countryside
was devastated by fire.

But the Fire-Eye Scrolls survived, for
they were stored in a great trunk made of
steel and enchanted to resist all harm. The
trunk was found in the ruins of the Academy
by a band of adventurers. It passed
through many hands, and a great many
scrolls were lost or stolen before the chest
was purchased by the Mages' Guild of the
city of Val Dalya.

Only nine of the original Fire-Eye Scrolls
remain in the library of the Mages' Guild.
Eight of the scrolls contain spells invented
by the pupils and Masters of the Academy
of Fire Magic. The last scroll contains a
description of the Fire-Eye, a magical item
of great power once possessed by the
Arch-Mage Avissar Fire-Eye himself. Avissar
was always very possessive and secre-
tive when it came to the Fire-Eye, and it
was never discovered after his death. The
description was scribed by Mellix Kabiryn,
who had the confidence of the Arch-Mage
and doubtless knew of the Fire-Eye's
powers, but even Mellix could not discover
the whereabouts of the item after Avissar?s

Descriptions of the 8 spells and the

great Fire-Eye follow.
Flare Smokescreen Enchanted Torch Mellix's Fire Mouth Fallion's Fabulous Fireball
Fire Phantom Avissar's Flaming Weapon Hellfire The Fire-Eye Dragon #123
Spells - - - Dragon magazine