Mellix's Fire Mouth (Alteration/Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Components: V, S, M
CT: 3 segments
ST: 1/2
AE: 1 object

Mellix Kabiryn
devised this interesting variation on the
2nd-level magic-user spell magic mouth.
When this spell is cast, an object is
empowered with an enchanted mouth
which suddenly appears and breathes fire
when a specific condition is met. The cone
of fire emitted by a fire mouth is 15? in
length, and measures 1? at the tip and 10?
at the base. The cone is always emitted
perpendicular to the surface upon which
this spell is cast, so its victim must be
standing directly in front of it to be affected.
The spell is activated when a specific
type of creature (named beforehand by
the caster) passes directly in front of the
enchanted object, which could be a statue,
chest, wall, door, or whatever. Alternately,
if no specific creature is named beforehand,
the spell activates the first time any
creature steps in front of it. The victim
struck by the cone of fire emitted by a fire
mouth takes 3-18 hp damage, plus 1 hp
per level of the caster.

This spell normally functions but once,
then expires, but it may be used in conjunction
with the 8th-level spell permanency.
The material components are a
drop of oil, a pinch of sulfur, and one
tooth or scale from a red dragon.

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan
Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon