Odeen's Impenetrable Lock 
Level: 4
Range: Touch 
Duration: Perm. 
Components: V, S, M
CT: 3 segments
ST: None
AE: Special

When Odeen’s

impenetrable lock is cast upon any locking
device or mechanism, that device may not
be opened by any nonmagical means, nor
may it be broken by any mundane force,
for the lock is magically strengthened, and
the locking mechanism is also caused to
continually change shape. This foils any
attempt to unlock or pick it. Further, the
lock will be unaffected by a knock spell,
since the impenetrable lock was specifically
designed to counter knock. The spell
may be removed by a dispel magic spell
cast either by the caster of the impenetrable
lock or by a magic-user of at least one
level higher than the magic-user who cast
the impenetrable lock had attained at the
time he cast it. The spell is not affected by
extra-dimensional beings.

Note that while thieves cannot pick a
lock with this dweomer on it, they are still
able to detect that the spell exists as if it
were a trap. Upon careful examination,
they can note the lock?s magical shifting. If
the spell is cast on a lock set in a door of
some kind, fighters with a strength of 18/
91 or better will have 50% of their normal
chance for opening magically held doors
to open it. This chance reflects the possibility
that the door might give way at the
hinges or that the casing might crumble.
Note too that if a magic key is used in an
attempt to open the impenetrable lock, the
key will be caught fast. Any attempt to
remove the key without first dispelling the
impenetrable lock will be unsuccessful,
save for a limited wish or wish spell, a
time stop spell, or the act of a god, demigod,
or some other ultra-powerful being.
(Needless to say, no ultra-powerful being
would normally even consider such a
demeaning task.)

Only one locking mechanism may be
affected by this spell. Simple devices such
as bars and wedges are merely strengthened
by the spell, as they have no locking
mechanism. Material components for this
spell are three drams of mimic ichor and
two drams of doppleganger blood, rubbed
on a small gold key. The key is not
destroyed in the casting of the spell and
may be used by the caster alone to open
the lock without first dispelling the magic.
Note that if the gold key is used in the
casting of any subsequent impenetrable
lock spells, it can no longer be used to
open previous impenetrable locks.

The Secrets of Odeen the Arch-Mage 
By Richard Baldwin

Spells - Dragon 124 - Dragon