Smokescreen (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: 8"
Duration: 2 rnds/level
Components: V, S, M
CT: 2 segments
ST: 1/2
AE: 10'/lvl-radius sphere

This spell causes
a large sphere of thick, black smoke to
appear. The smoke created always floats 2?
above the ground, so that creatures outside
this area may breathe normally. Otherwise,
creatures in the area of effect take
2-5 hp damage per round due to smoke
inhalation; half damage is taken if a save
vs. spells is successful.

It is not possible to see into or through
the area affected by a smokescreen, and
visibility within this area is reduced to 3?.
This reduced visibility makes combat
difficult; ?to hit? rolls are made at - 3 on
the dice.

A gust of wind repels a smokescreen but
cannot disperse it. The material component
of this spell is a pinch of soot.

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan
Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon