Cure for an Ailing Campaign or
Killer of A Healthy One?
by Paul Suliin
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Dungeons & Dragons Dragon magazine - Spells The Dragon #18

Editor’s Note: The following is an example of how one group handles
the research of new spells. They are NOT recommended for general absorption
into existing campaigns willy-nilly. A DM must carefully consider
each and every new spell he ok’s; the side effects of a seemingly
simple spell can be devastating to a carefully wrought campaign. A DM
should carefully quiz the “inventor”, before approval, about the reasoning
behind a spell; its projected uses, applications, need, etc. If the
DM can safely allow the spell: i.e., it won’t ruin his campaign, he
should then set the parameters of what he will allow the spell to do or
not do. Every spell should have a “loophole”; some other spell or
power that will negate it, or influence it in some way. The fastest way to
ruin a campaign, and/or let the MU’s “rule the world, is to bring in a
“perfect” spell, one with no counter or “crock factor”.

    Author’s Introduction:
One of the greatest and most useful abilities of the D&D Magicuser
is the capability to research and create spells not on the standard
lists. By the use of this ability, even a low-level type can greatly increase
his strength and formidability, since any level may research. Since the
clarification and extension of the research rules in THE DRAGON #5,
many players have virtually made research a science, turning out some
truly useful and ingenious spells. The list which follows has been playtested
extensively in the Druid World campaign in Malvern, Arkansas,
and proven gameworthy.

NATURE CALL: Allows a form of communication between man
and animal. The caster may summon 1-10 small mammals and/or
birds, ranging up to squirrels or small hawks in size. These make quick,
feinting rushes at the caster’s opponent(s), confusing stupid monsters
and subtracting two from the hit die of more intelligent creatures. They
may not, however, be forced into attacks on monsters which they
would normally flee (undead, demons, etc.).

If he desires, the M-U may summon one creature, as large as an
eagle, which will carry an object or message to any given point within
three days travel. Creatures summoned by this spell take 1-4 melee
turns to arrive, and the spell may not be used underground.

MAGIC MISSILE II: As Magic Missile, but this spell allows the
caster to fire one +2 arrow or two +1 arrows, with a like amount
added for every fifth level advanced beyond third.


FLAMEBOLT: This spell produces a bolt of light which does 3-24
points of damage to living beings (3-30 to undead) and ignites flammables
within 5’ of the impact point. One use of the spell allows the
beam to be fired the level of the caster plus 1-3 times. Range: 240 feet.
Duration: Until last charge is fired.

MYSTIC ROPE: Creates a magical rope, up to 100’ long, which
moves about on command. The rope has sufficient independent movement
to make untying it impossible for anyone but the conjuror, and it
is immune to all non-magical forces. It takes 1 point per 4 feet, and regenerates
1 foot/melee turn.

PIT OF FLAME: This spell conjures a pit, 20‘ x 20‘ x 5’ filled with
flames. Those falling in take damage equal to 1/2 the caster’s level,
rounded up, so that a fifth level pit does 3 dice/melee turn. In another
way, the pit may be used as an interrogation device. When used in this
fashion, a person placed in the pit floats just above the surface, taking
no damage until he tells an untruth. A lie causes the person being questioned
to fall into the pit, taking the damage given above. Duration: 3

WORD OF WARDING: This is one of the only spells which may
be used while the speaker is meleed. Utterance of this word causes any
one weapon, either a specific one, or merely the next one encountered,
to be deflected from its intended course toward the speaker. Normally,
this spell would be used during the Magic-user’s initiative, to take effect
after. However, if necessary, it may be used before or after his initiative,
to take effect immediately. If it is used in this fashion the speaker
may use no spells higher than third level during his initiative, when it
comes again. Duration: 1 melee turn.

    FORCE FIELD: Projects a spherical field, 10’ across, similar to a
cube of force, except that it will not block magic. The field may be cast
around any object, but it will not move unless the caster is inside it.
Duration: Level of caster, in turns. Range: 60 ft.

    EXTEND I: This spell extends the range of 1st-3rd level spells by
50%. Duration: As spell extended.

    SHATTERRAY: The caster may generate a shimmering beam of
force from his palm, which has roughly the properties of a high-powered
battering ram. Creatures struck by the beam take 5-30 points of
damage from the impact, and structures such as walls and buildings
suffer 20 structure points, as per Chainmail. For every level the caster
progresses beyond seventh, add one damage die, to a maximum of 12
dice total, for damage to living creatures, and 5 structural damage
points, to a maximum of 60 points. Range: 120 feet.

WALL OF WATER: Creates a wall of water up to 50‘ x 20’. Nor-.
mal fire cannot pass through the wall, and flaming creatures take 5-30
points when breaking through. The wall’s swirling currents block missile
fire, and prevent creatures with fewer than 5 hit dice from passing
through. Range: 30 feet. Duration: 1 hour.

EXTEND II: As Extend I, but applies to fourth level spells as well.

BEAM OF BLASTING: This spell produces a golden beam which
transmutes any object struck into a fireball. The blast area is 30 feet
across, and the fireball does 1 point of damage/Gold Piece weight of
matter transmuted, up to 50 points, maximum. For every three levels
the M-U progresses beyond ninth, a like amount is added, so that a
twelfth level does 2 points/GP, etc. If the object transmuted is being
held or worn, there is no save for the holder, otherwise making one’s
saving throw halves damage. Note: This spell will not transmute living
matter. Range: 200 feet.

CONJURE DJINN/EFREET: Uttering this spell conjures a djinn
or efreet, which will serve the conjurer for 24 hours. At the end of this
time, djinni will vanish, but efreets must be forcibly banished by the
reversal of the spell, or attack the summoner.

DENSITY CONTROL: Through the use of this spell, the M-U
may alter his body density within a range extending from gas to steel.
Such changes will also alter his natural armor class, so that at minimum
density, no solid weapon can affect him, and at maximum, he is armor
class one and his hands strike as swords. The caster may change density
at any time during the duration of the spell, and any item(s) in contact
with his body change also. Duration: 3 turns.

EXTEND III: As Extend II, but applies to fifth level spells, and
doubles range.

COMBINE I: Allows the caster to combine spells in any combination
not exceeding seven spell levels, or three spells, maximum, Duration:
As shortest spell combined.

CALL SPIRIT: With this spell the Magic-user may summon the
shade of a deceased person and ask it two questions. The chance of the
ghost knowing the answer(s) varies from case to case and must be individually
determined by the DM, depending on the spirit’s former
level, occupation, time of death, etc., but it should never be less than
25%. The spell may only be performed at night, since the spirits are dispelled
by sunlight. Also, the body, bones, or other remains must be
within 20 feet, and the name of the deceased must be known.

RUST MONSTER TOUCH: Affects all ferrous metal touched by
the caster as if it had been touched by a rust monster.

SUMMON: Speaking this spell summons a demon or other being
which will perform one task for the summoner, much like an invisible
stalker. The DM should prepare an individual list of creatures, such as
Quaolnargn of the Elric of Melnibone series, in addition to the standard
demons, which may be summoned. Their powers should vary: precognition,
level-draining, etc., but they should be no more powerful
than common sense dictates (this is not a Gate spell!). In some cases,
other rituals, such as sacrifices, should be necessary to call forth certain

APPORTATION: This is a sort of “reverse teleport”: instead of
bringing the caster to a prestated location, this spell allows the caster to
teleport any given object to himself. Magical items get a saving throw
vs. magic as a Magic-user of twice the items’ “level”. Thus a +1 sword
saves as a second level Magic-user. Items on the Miscellaneous Magic
tables take their “level” as the number of the table, and all other items
have a saving throws of 12. Living targets get saving throws, but all
those below fifth save at a -4, and those of sixth level or greater save at
-3. Whether or not the spell works, the Magic-user must rest for 1-12
hours before more spells may be cast. Use of a crystal ball when casting
this spell adds 10% to the chance of success.

MASS POLYMORPH: This spell allows the caster to enchant up
to 25 roughly mansized creatures, as Polymorph Others. The potency
of this spell causes all those affected by it to save at a -3. If it is cast at
two or fewer creatures, they save at a -4. Monsters appreciably larger
or smaller than man-size alter maximum number affected accordingly.
Range: 120 feet.

COMBINE III: As Combine II, but allows combinations of up to
nine spell levels, or four spells, total.

CANCELLATION: Speaking this spell causes the caster’s touch to
be treated as a Rod of Cancellation. Duration: 1 melee turn.

As a final word, it should be noted that, although these spells have
worked beautifully in my campaign, no two DMs run their worlds in
exactly the same way. I therefore urge anyone who decides to use them
to playtest them thoroughly before adding them to their spell lits. May
your treasures be plentiful, and may you always make your saving