MAGIC AND SCIENCE: Are they compatible in D&D?
by James M. Ward
Dragon magazine - Dungeons & Dragons - The Dragon #1

I believe it is a real mistake to think that just because there is
a world created by D & D type thinking where magic and magical
monsters exist, there is no room for technological type devices
and all they imply. Many times while discussing rules with other
judges and players I have heard statements like “magic and its
uses denies science and its uses.” I myself usually loudly clamor
that, “a lightning bolt wand is just a static electricity generator,”
or, “many magical potions are simply advanced chemical formulae,”
but my words are usually swept away in the magic tide.
In response to this, I created a race of people who had transported
their Island land Atlantis to another nearby dimension.
This race called “Artificers” has a high degree of technology and
are very aware of magic and have devices to counter any magical
effect. I present some of their creations to those who have some
players in their game that are too powerful and need a challenge.

There are three powerful devices used all the time by the Artificers:
a hand held weapon much like a small catapult made of
unbreakable crystal and spring steel, a mobile “blue sphere,” and
a computer. The pistol shoots a two inch sphere for a maximum
range of 50 yards. These spheres only upon being released from
the pistol emit their stored power on contact. There are six different
types, all color coded for easy identification.

Red Sphere: Upon contact this sphere from the point of contact A description of these rays follows.
will emit a 15 foot circle of heat action, so intense that it melts
everything and anything in the area (no magic saving throw applicable).

Black Sphere: Upon contact this sphere from the point of contact
will emit a 15 foot circle of disintegrating damage as the spell with
(magic saving throw applicable), for anything in the area.

Clear Sphere: Upon contact this sphere from the point of contact 2. Heat Ray: This is just that, a ray of heat that does the stated
will emit a 15 foot circle of nullifying energy. This energy will amount of damage.
destroy the usefulness of any magic item forever (no magic saving
throw applicable).

Brown Sphere: Upon contact this sphere from the point of contact
will emit an illusion of a vast maze. Those in that 15 foot circle 
must travel through this mental maze to free themselves of the 
effects (no magic saving throw applicable). 

Purple Sphere: Upon contact the sphere from the point of contact 
will emit a 15 foot circle of DEATH as the spell (magick save applicable). 

Silver Sphere: Upon contact this sphere from the point of contact 
will emit a wall of synthetic crystal with the resistance of a 
diamond to physical forces.  The wall will go to a maximum height 
of 60 feet, length 120 feet, and thickness 10 feet.  It will always fill 
any passage or space to the fullest possible extent. 

    While hand weapons are useful, the normal Artificers like

their devices to fight for them and therefore created the “blue
sphere.” This device comes in three sizes: the largest sphere
having a diameter of three feet, the middle sphere having a
diameter of two feet, and the smallest sphere having a diameter of
one foot.  These are also badges or rank since the smallest is the 
most powerful and only the highest ranking leaders USE the smallest 
.  These spheres are able to shoot 2 beams while 
floating beside their master.  The beams can be whatever its 
master needs at the TIME in the way of attacking or defending 

1. 10 HP damage absorber
2. Heat ray (3 dice)
3. Healing ray 3 points per melee round
4. Displacer ray
5. 20 point damage shield

1. 15 HP damage absorber
2. Heat ray (5 dice)
3. Healing ray 5 points per melee round
4. Displacer ray
5. 30 point damage shield
6. Anti-magick shell
7. Fear ray

1. 20 HP damage absorber
2. Heat ray (7 dice) 
3. Restoration ray
4. Displacer ray
5. 40 point damage shield
6. Anti-magick shell
7. Fear ray
8. Anti-sphere ray
9. Charm monster ray

A description of these rays follows.

1. Damage absorber: This ray will take the damage potential 
from a spell or weapon from its master if the ray is trained on the 
Artificer at the instant of the damage occurence with the 
limitation of only being able to take a max.  stated amount 
per melee turn. 

2. Heat Ray: This is just that, a ray of heat that does the stated 
amount of damage.

3. Healing Ray: Consider this a type of cure light wound ray, 
doing the stated amount of healing. 

4. Displacer Ray: As the piowers of the magical cloak.

5. Damage Shield: To prevent the sphere from being destroyed 
this ray can stop harmful actions on itself at the max. rate, 
with only damage over the given amount affecting the sphere. 
The sphere takes 25 points of damage before being destroyed. 

6. Anti-Magic Shell: As the spell. 

7. Fear Ray: A sonic blast as the spell (magick save applicable). 

8. Anti-Sphere Ray: This will negate any of the effects of a pistol 

9. Charm Person Ray: As the spell (magick save applicable). 

10. Restoration Ray: This ray completely regenerates any being 
dead or dying and always works if applied within 1 hour of DEATH. 

The best way to negate a "blue sphere" is to place it in an anti-magick 
shell which will cut off its energy supply.  When this happens 
the sphere becomes useless forever. 

    Finally the most powerful of all the devices of the Artificers is 
their mighty offensive and defensive anologic computer.  This 
device has a heat core power source and is able to analyze and

counteract any spell sent at it. It is able to analyze up to 100 spells
sent at it. Its primary form of attack is to analyze the hit points of
its enemies and emit a double amount heat ray. These are used in
the more sensitive areas of Atificer strongholds.

The computer’s greatest weakness is its strict following of its
program which can allow more intelligent beings to use logic to
get around it. The possibilities and limitations of such a device
should be obvious. This type device can be made in varying
strengths and forms and present an unusual obstacle for the

The reader will I am sure note that while the above is in a
scientific vein its use can easily be put to a D & D campaign. Science
does not have to be dull when a little imagination is applied.
May the tide of magical refutation not drown out these small