Up On A Soapbox:
Level Titles Don't Do Justice

by John T. Sapienza, Jr.
- - - - -
Dragon #72 - 1st Edition AD&D - Dragon magazine

The custom of giving each level within
every character class its own distinctive
name, at least for the first eight or so
levels, dates back to the original D&D®
rules of 1973. At that time, there were
exactly three official roles played in the
game, and of these provision was made
for clerics of up to eighth level (L 8),
fighters of up to L 9, and magic-users of
up to L 11. (The experience point tables
went no higher.) It appears that the original
concept was that characters would
use the level names in gaming as designations
of rank or skill, instead of using
the overall character class name. This
makes a kind of superficial sort of sense,
since it is a matter of pride to have
achieved high rank in any field. And
since a character will be spending any
number of expeditions in practice at a
given level, giving that level a name to go
by must have looked useful.

The problem is that, as a practical matter,
the level names are not useful. How
many D&D or AD&D™ players memorize
the level names of all the character
classes? How many actually refer to
their characters by their official level
names? If you were trying to fill out a
well-balanced party, would you tell the
players that they have a Swashbuckler, a
Hero, a Theurgist, and a Village Priest
to choose from? Based on my own experience
in playing regularly over the years
with four groups, plus watching what
happens at conventions, I am inclined to
doubt it. The actual practice I have seen
is to tell the players you have two fighters,
one L 4 and one L 5, plus a L 4
magic-user and a L 3 cleric to fill in
needed places in the party.

Well, you might say, whether or not the
level names are widely used in gaming,
they look neat in the rulebooks. And
besides, why not offer them to the minority
of gamers who may actually want to
use them? Because there are not enough
descriptive words to go around to supply
distinctive names for every level of every
character class.

It is obvious that the authors of the
level tables delved deeply into their thesauruses
in producing names for levels.
For example, the cleric table in the original
D&D rules lists the levels titles as
Acolyte, Adept, Village Priest, Vicar,
Curate, Bishop, Lama, and Patriarch, On
a purely technical level, several of these
make no sense: Vicar and Curate are lay
titles, and the title “Adept” is traditionally
reserved for magic-users of the highest
level of skill. On the character level,
many of the clerical titles used are far too
specific to actual religions to be usable
as general-purpose game terms. You
would no more speak of a “Bishop” of a
Tibetan monastery than you would speak
of a “Lama” of a Catholic diocese, yet the
rules have them as the official titles for all
L 7 and L 8 clerics.

Other level titles leave one wondering
whether the authors gave much consideration
to the real-life meanings of the
words chosen. The list of level names for
magic-users is a particularly good example
of this problem, since most of the
names have specific reference to distinct
types of specialization in magic, and yet
all are used as if they meant nothing but
“magic-user.” A Medium contacts the
spirits of the dead; a Seer foretells the
future; a Conjurer summons things or
creatures, and so forth. A Necromancer
specializes in the undead, and might be a
more appropriate title for an evil high
priest than for a L 8 magic-user.

Both the fighter and cleric tables show
another fallacy in the use of names for
levels. At level 9, a fighter has enough
status to be appointed Baron, or its campaign
equivalent, and build a castle. So
at L 9, a fighter is titled “Lord” or “Lady.”
At L 7, a cleric is titled “Bishop.” The
problem with this approach is that a
given character may or may not have
achieved sufficient social status for the
Powers That Be to hand out the official
responsibilities that underlie those titles.
The fallacy lies in using job titles for level
names, since a level is a reflection of
accumulated skill but has nothing whatsoever
to do with the character’s being
actually promoted to hold official titles
of nobility or ecclesiastical rank.

The use of level names for character
classes has little practical use in gaming,
and tends to create more problems than
it is worth. I suggest that DRAGON
Magazine stop including level names
from now on in character class articles.
(Editor’s note: The suggestion is noted.
However, in the interest of consistency
and uniformity, we’ll continue to publish
level titles in experience-level charts for
variant NPC classes. We try to present
new classes in a form that’s as compatible
as possible with the official rules.
Readers who do use level titles to refer to
their characters will also be able to do so
for variant NPCs they might want to try
out, and those who don’t use level titles
haven’t been ‘hurt” by our inclusion of
them in the articles. As a practical matter,
level titles are hardly ever mentioned
in any other type of article, but we’ll continue
to do so when such a usage is
appropriate to the nature and tone of the

Eliminating the level titles has the
further advantage that by standardizing
terms, we make possible a simple abbreviation
system. By ignoring the various
arbitrary level names and standardizing
on the character-class names as the
game term, you can then abbreviate the
character-class names and add the appropriate
level number in describing
characters. Fighter would be abbreviated
“F,” cleric would be “C,” thief “T,” magicuser
“MU,” druid “D,” bard “B,” monk
“MK,” illusionist “I,” paladin “P,” and
ranger “R,” for example. You could then
easily note the composition of a group of
NPCs for convenience, thus: F2, F2, F2,
F3, F4, C4, MU3, T4. This also adds consistency
and detail to the customary
abbreviations to describe a player character,
since “F3 L/N 14/11/9/10/11/6”
would be readily understood to mean “A
fighter of third level, alignment lawful
neutral, having Strength 14, Intelligence
11, Wisdom 9, Constitution 10, Dexterity
11, and Charisma 6.”

April 1983


‘I finally disagreed’

Dear Editor:
“Up on a Soapbox” has always been one of
my favorite columns in DRAGON, and I’ve
never really had any arguments with the opinions
expressed in it over many issues. However,
after reading John T. Sapienza, Jr.'s essay
in issue #72, “Level titles don’t do justice,” I
finally disagreed.

I don’t argue with his objections to the technical

applications of level names; it would be
silly to speak of a Tibetan bishop or a Catholic
lama, but the idea is for titles to represent a
progression from 1st level onwards — if some
titles are inappropriate, then that is because it
is difficult to find technically appropriate
names that would accurately describe each
level and also fit into any campaign culture.

I admire Mr. Sapienza's proposed abbreviatory
system for character stats, and plan to use
it in the future. But I also like the character
class level names, and plan to continue using
them. I take pride in having my paladin enter
a town and announce himself as “Medraut the
Defender,” and hope to raise him to where he
may call himself a Paladin — a title he will
have earned through many adventures and
noble deeds.

In short, Mr. Sapienza put forth a good
argument in defense of his point, but I doubt
anyone will be “hurt” by the continued inclusion
of level titles, and I don’t think it was
necessary [for him] to get “Up on a Soapbox”
to demand their withdrawal.

Christopher-Michael DiGrazia
Lawrence, Mass.
(Dragon #74)

1. Acolyte
2. Adept
3. Priestess
4. Curate
5. Perfect (Prefect)
6. Canon (Canoness)
7. Lama
8. Patriarch (Matriarch)
9. High Priestess
10. Aspirant
11. Ovate
12. Initiate of the 1st Circle
13. Initiate of the 2nd Circle
14. Initiate of the 3rd Circle
15. Initiate of the 4th Circle
16. Initiate of the 5th Circle
17. Initiate of the 6th Circle
18. Initiate of the 7th Circle
19. Initiate of the 8th Circle
20. Initiate of the 9th Circle
21. Druid
22. Archdruid
23. The Great Druid
24. The Grand Druid
25. Hierophant Druid
26. Hierophant Initiate
27. Hierophant Adept
28. Hierophant Master
29. Numinous Hierophant
30. Mystic Hierophant
31. Arcane Hierophant
32. Hierophant of the Cabal
33. Veteran
32. Warrior
33. Swordsman (Swordswoman)
34. Hero (Heroine)
35. Swashbuckler
36. Myrmidon
37. Champion
38. Superhero
39. Lord
40. Horseman
41. Lancer
42. Gallant
43. Keeper
44. Protector
45. Defender
46. Warder
47. Guardian
48. Chevalier
49. Justiciar
50. Paladin
51. Runner
52. Strider
53. Scout
54. Courser
55. Tracker
56. Guide
57. Pathfinder
58. Ranger
59. Ranger Knight
60. Ranger Lord
61. Neophyte
62. Initiate
63. Prestidigitator
64. Evoker
65. Conjurer
66. Theurgist
67. Thaumaturgist
68. Magician
69. Enchantress (Enchanter)
70. Witch (Warlock)
71. Sorcerer (Sorceress)
72. Necromancer
73. Wizard
74. Mage
75. Arch-Mage
76. Minor Trickster
77. Trickster
78. Master Trickster
79. Cabalist
80. Visionist
81. Phantasmist
82. Apparitionist
83. Spellbinder
84. Illusionist
85. Rogue (Apprentice)
86. Footpad
87. Cutpurse
88. Robber
89. Burglar
90. Filcher
91. Sharper
92. Magsman
93. Thief
94. Master Thief
95. Bravo (Apprentice)
96. Rutterkin
97. Waghalter
98. Murderer
99. Thug
100. Killer
101. Cutthroat
102. Executioner
103. Assassin
104. Expert Assassin
105. Senior Assassin
106. Chier Assassin
107. Guildmaster Assassin
108. Grandfather of Assassins
109. Iuz
110. Novice
111. Brother (Sister)
112. Disciple
113. Immaculate
114. Master
115. Superior Master
116. Master of Dragons
117. Master of the North Wind
118. Master of the West Wind
119. Master of the South Wind
120. Master of the East Wind
121. Master of Winter
122. Master of Autumn
123. Master of Summer
124. Master of Spring
125. Grand Master of Flowers
125. Rhymer
126. Lyrist
127. Sonnateer
128. Skald
129. Racaraide
130. Jongleur
131. Troubador
132. Minstrel
133. Muse
134. Lorist
135. Laureate
136. Bard
137. Master Bard
138. Armiger
139. Scutifer
140. Esquire
141. Knight Errant
142. Knight Bachelor
143. Knight
144. Grand Knight
145. Banneret
146. Chevalier
147. Cavalier
148. Tribesman
149. Savage
150. Clan Brother
151. Hunter
152. Brave
153. Elite Warrior
154. Headman
155. Chief
156. War Chief
157. Laird
158. Burglar-Acrobat
159. Second-Story Thief
160. Cat Burglar
161. Master Cat Burglar
162. Thief-Acrobat
163. Master Thief-Acrobat
164. Office Worker
165. Flunky
166. Master Accountant
167. Financial Claims Adjuster
168. Regional Marketing Officer
169. Master of Copper Pieces
170. Master of Silver Pieces
171. Master of Electrum Pieces
172. Master of Gold Pieces
173. Master of Platinum Pieces
174. Master of Mithril Pieces
175. The Big Cheese
176. Clerk
177. Supervisor
178. Manager
179. Obstructionist
180. Official
181. Bureaucrat
182. Authoritah
183. Commisioner
184. Board Member
185. Chairman
186. Reliever
187. Party Member
188. Speaker
189. Orator
190. Politician
191. Leader
192. Vice-President
193. President
194. Stagehand
195. Performer
196. Athlete
197. Gymnast
198. Trapezist
199. Aerialist
200. Tumbler
201. Acrobat
202. Wit
203. Comic
204. Clown
205. Joker
206. Harlequin
207. Merryandrew
208. Jester
209. High Jester
210. Catcher
211. Blade
212. Manipulator
213. Deluder
214. Deceiver
215. Trickster
216. Juggler
217. Storyteller
218. Handler
219. Player
220. Singer
221. Musician
222. Poet
223. Actor
224. Mime
225. Star
226. Fool
227. Breaker
228. Medicine One
229. Strange One
230. Obeah (Voodoo)
231. Air Shaman
232. Fire Shaman
233. Earth Shaman
234. Water Shaman
235. Witch Doctor
235. Arcane Witch Doctor
236. Savant Witch Doctor
237. Wangateur
238. Fakir
239. Apprentice
240. Frosh
241. Sophmore
242. Junior
243. Senior
244. Intern
245. Resident
246. Senior Resident
247. Practitioner
248. Medic
249. Doctor
250. Ostiary
251. Father
252. Padre
253. Chaplain
254. Subdean
255. Dean
256. Prior (Prioress)
257. Abbot
258. Father Superior
259. Archimandrite
260. Minor Shaman
261. Shaman
262. Shaman Priest
263. Greater Shaman
264. Witch-Conjurer
265. Bewitcher
266. Witch-Brewer
267. Bowman
268. Master Bowman
269. Fletcher
270. Master Fletcher
271. Bowyer
272. Master Bowyer
273. Sharpshooter
274. Arrowsmith
275. Archer
276. Archer Esquire
277. Archer Knight
278. Archer Lord
279. Archer Master
280. Archer Grandmaster
381. Tumbler
382. Handstander
383. Handwalker
284. Handspringer
285. Headspinner
286. Rhythym Warrior
287. Dancing Warrior
288. Singing Warrior
289. Music Warrior
290. Contra-Master
291. Master of Equilibrium
292. Uncle / Mother of Masters
293. Great-Uncle / Grandmother of Masters
294. Shield Bearer
295. Madman
296. Shield Biter
297. Howler
298. Feyman
299. Rager
300. Hewer
301. Battlelord
302. Berserker
303. Beginner
304. Brawler
305. Fencer
306. Challenger
307. Gladiator
308. Bladesman
309. Master Bladesman
310. Superior Duelist
311. Expert Duelist
312. Fencingmaster
313. Grand Fencingmaster
314. Patroller
315. Minor Guardian
316. Sheriff
317. Major Guardian
318. Watcher
319. Master Guardian
320. Hobbit Protector
321. Hobbit Defender
322. Hobbit Champion
323. Sailor
324. Ship's Mate
325. Sea Dog
326. Seamen
327. Seafarer
328. Sea Rover
329. Sea Hawk
330. Ship Master
331. Mariner
332. Observer
333. Watchman
334. Post Keeper
335. Patroller
336. Guard
337. Sentry
338. Guard Captain
339. Guard Master
340. Gate Keeper
341. Gate Master
342. Guard Superior
343. Elite Guard
344. Sentinel
345. Caitiff
346. Miscreant
347. Malefactor
348. Hellraiser
349. Blackguard
350. Scoundrel
351. Dastard
352. Villain
353. Villain of the Deepest Dye
354. Fiend
355. Anti-Paladin
356. Beasteye
357. Beastarm
358. Beastheart
359. Arrikhan
360. Fantra
361. Shroud
362. Lord's Shield
363. Garath Aspirant
364. Garath
365. Arch of Ruin
366. Pillar of Sin
367. Griefbringer
368. Evilforger
369. Illrigger
370. Foyar
371. jiFoyar
372. 1st Hael
373. 2nd Hael
374. 3rd Hael
375. 4th Hael
376. 6th Hael
377. jiHael
378. Lyan
379. Godseye
380. Godsarm
381. Godsheart
382. Myrikhan
383. Symmeter Initial
384. Symmeter Medial
385. Symmeter Final
386. Fulcrum
387. Balancer
388. Libra Charge Initial
389. Libra Charge Medial
390. Libra Charge Final
391. Paramander
392. Mixer
393. Brewer
394. Distiller
395. Compounder
396. Junior Journeyman
397. Senior Journeyman
398. Junior Alchemist
399. Senior Alchemist
400. Master Alchemist
401. Gramaryaer
402. Coronar
403. Dweomaedar
404. Memurge
405. Diathosil
406. Weirworker
407. Nightstar
408. Spellbinder
409. Incantatrix
410. Grave Robber
411. Tomb Haunter
412. Necropolite
413. Skeleton Master
414. Zombie Master
415. Ghoul Master
416. Ghast Master
417. Shadow Master
418. Mummy Master
419. Ghost Master
420. Lich Master
421. Death Master
422. Seeker
423. Delver
424. Expositor
425. Minister
426. Inquisitor
427. Adviser
428. Theologian
429. Oracle
430. Savant
431. Master Savant
432. Student
433. Reader
434. Searcher
435. Tutor
436. Instructor
437. Researcher
438. Examiner
439. Scholar
440. Philosopher
441. Clerk
442. Amanuensis
443. Chirographer
444. Illuminator
445. Scrivener
446. Cartographer
447. Limner
448. Scribe
449. Master Scribe
450. Altar
451. Higher Altar
452. Looter
453. Raider
454. Marauder
455. Highwayman
456. Outlaw
457. Desperado
458. Reaver
459. Brigand
460. Bandit
461. Bandit Lord
462. Hoaxer
463. Cheat
464. Con Man
465. Defrauder
466. Deluder
467. Deceiver
468. Grifter
469. Swindler
470. Quack
471. Charlatan
472. Master Charlatan
472. Grand Charlatan
473. Grand Master Charlatan
474. Spotter
475. Point Man
476. Outrider
477. Vanguard
478. Forerunner
479. Huntsman
480. Spy
481. Rhymster
482. Master Scout
483. Shadow
484. Trophyman
485. Collector
486. Exterminator
487. Master Collector
488. Bounty Hunter
489. Master Hunter
490. Death Hunter
491. Great Hunter
492. Trailer
493. Finder
494. Search Leader
495. Search Esquire
496. Searcher Lord
497. Hunter Esquire
498. Hunter Lord
499. Trapper
500. Man-Tracker
501. Revenger
502. Head Hunter
503. Manhunter
504. Walker
505. Jogger
506. Runner
507. Athlete
508. Pro
509. Super Pro
510. Jock
511. Super Jock
512. Klutz
513. Goof
514. Jerk
515. Blunderer
516. Fumbler
517. Maladroit
518. Public Hazard
519. Incompetent
520. Haggler
521. Bargainer
523. Hawker
524. Vendor
525. Entrepeneur
526. Trader
527. Master Trader
528. Merchant
529. Merchant Prince
530. Initiate of the Rudiments
531. Initiate of the Elements
532. Initiate of the Principles
533. Disciple of Secrets
534. Disciple of Mysteries
535. Psychic
536. Medium
537. Sub-Warden
538. Warden
539. Director
540. Sub-Master
541. Prentice
542. Journeyman
543. Hammerman
544. Millman
564. Locksmith
565. Smith ("Truesmith")
566. Smith ("Shieldsmith")
567. Smith ("Finesmith")
568. Smith ("Swordsmith")
569. Master Smith
570. Armorer
571. Master Armorer
572. Timeinitiate
573. Timeleader
574. Timechief
575. Timecommander
576. Timemaster
577. Timelord
578. Timephilosopher
579. Chronos
580. Soothsayer
581. Spiritualist
582. Sybil
583. Siren
584. Mystic
585. Seer
586. Topaz Witch
587. Sapphire Witch
588. Ruby Witch
589. Emerald Witch
590. Diamond Witch
591. Witch Mother
592. Eternal Priestess
593. Princess of Witches
594. Queen of Witches
595. Forester
596. Frontiersman
597. Woodsman
598. Backwoodsman
599. Stalker
600. Huntmaster
601. Versifier
602. Handler
603. Herdhand
604. Husbandman
605. Ostler
606. Tamer
607. Trainer
608. Wildrunner
609. Cook's Boy
610. Common Cook
611. Cook
612. Baker
613. Head Cook
614. Steward
615. Royal Steward
616. Imperial Steward
617. Warden of the Banquets
618. Chef
619. Master Chef
620. Grand Cordon-Bleu
621. Peeping Top
622. Voyeur
623. Graffiti Artist
624. Obscene Caller
625. Flasher
626. Streaker
627. Groper
628. Pornographer
629. Rapist
630. Pervert
631. Illiterate
632. Technician
633. Programmer
634. Researcher
635. Ph D.
636. Professor of Biology
637. Professor of Mathematics
638. Professor of Physics
639. Polymath
640. Graduate
641. Luddite
642. Astrologer
643. Administrator
644. Pop Singer
645. Jehova's Witness
646. Football Supporter
647. Sociologist
648. Vondaniken
649. Craftsman
650. Artisan
651. Engineer
653. Craftsmaster
654. Artificer
655. Master Artificer
656. Supplicant
657. Spirit Caller
658. Power Caller
659. Initiate Witch
660. Superior Witch
661. Pentagrammarist
662. Initiate Demonist
663. Demonist
664. Superior Demonist
665. Master of Demons
666.1-2. Aleister Crowley
666.3-4. Bruce Dickinson
666.5-6. Satan
667. Snoop
668. Ferret
669. Bloodhound
670. Shamus
671. Gumshoe
672. Eye
673. Dick
674. Sleuth
675. Investigator
676. Judge
677. Detective
678. Master Detective
679. Great Detective
680. Invoker
681. Controller
682. Master of Earth
683. Master of Air
684. Master of Fire
685. Master of Water
686. Lord of the Land
687. Lord of the Skies
688. Lord of the Flames
689. Lord of the Seas
690. Master of the Elements
691. Grand Master of the Elements
692. Lord of the Elements
693. Animal
694. Red Claw
695. Goremonger
696. Flesh Ripper
697. Bone Breaker
698. Skull Crusher
699. Hell Spawn
700. Man o' Blood
701. Bloodlord
702. Man-Beast
703. Flirt
704. Charmer
705. Allurer
706. Temptress
707. Vixen
708. Courtesan
709. Seductress
710. Houri
711. Nymph
712. Speaker
713. Caller
714. True Caller
715. Master Caller
716. True Summoner
717. Master Summoner
718. Lord Summoner
719. Commander
720. True Commander
721. Master Commander
722. High Commander
723. Lord Commander
724. Ironworker
725. Toolmaster
726. Flamemaster
727. Forger
728. Deviser
729. War Smith
730. Amateur Weakling
731. 6 Stone Weakling
732. 5 Stone Weakling
733. 4 Stone Weakling
734. 3 Stone Weakling
735. 2 Stone Weakling
736. Coward
737. Sissy
738. Milksop
739. Chicken
740. Runaway
741. Weed
742. Super Weed
<742 known level titles>
<to reach 1000, 2e kits are used>
743. Amazon
744. Beast-Rider
745. Gladiator
746. Upper Class Warrior (Noble Warrior)
747. Lower Classs Hero (Peasant Hero)
748. Pirate
749. Outlaw
750. Savage
751. Wilderness Warrior
752. Adventurer (Adventuress)
753. Beggar
754. Buccaneer
755. Fence
756. Smuggler
757. Gallant
758. Troubleshooter
759. Amazon Priestess
760. Berserker Priest
761. Fighting-Monk
762. Upper Class Priest (Nobleman Priest)
763. Outlaw Priest
764. Pacifist Priest
765. Lower Class Priest (Peasant Priest)
765. Prophet Priest
766. Savage Priest
767. Scholar Priest
768. Academician
769. Amazon Sorceress
770. Angakok
771. Militant Wizard
772. Upper Class Wizard (Patrician)
773. Lower Class Wizard (Peasant Wizard)
774. Savage Wizard
775. Animal Master
776. Axe for Hire
777. Clansdwarf
778. Hearth Guard
779. Battlerager
780. Highborn
781. Outcast
782. Rapid Response Rider
783. Crafts Priest
784. Pariah
785. Ritual Priest
786. Champion
787. Temple Guard
788. Vindicator
789. Diplomat
790. Pest Controller
791. Ghetto Fighter
792. Trader
793. Vermin Slayer
794. Wayfinder
795. True Bard
796. Blade
797. Gypsy-Bard
798. Herald
799. Loremaster
800. Meistersinger
801. Thespian
802. Herbalist
803. Wilderness Runner
804. Windrider
805. Elven Minstrel
806. Spellfilcher
807. Bladesinger
808. War Wizard
809. Collector
810. Infiltrator
811. Undead Slayer
812. Breachgnome
813. Goblinsticker
814. Mouseburglar
815. Imagemaker
816. Vanisher
817. Buffoon
818. Rocktender
819. Treetender
820. Forestwalker
821. Homesteader
822. Mercenary (Mercenary Soldier)
823. Squire
824. Tunnelrat
825. Bilker
826. Urchin
827. Traveller
828. Leaftender
829. Tribal Defender
830. Mine Rowdy
831. Pit Fighter
832. Saurial Paladin
833. Sellsword
834. Wilderness Protector
835. Hedge Wizard
836. Humanoid Scholar
837. Outlaw Mage
838. War Priest
839. Wandering Mystic
840. Scavenger
841. Tramp
842. Spectre
843. Humanoid Bard
844. Beastmaster
845. Explorer
846. Falconer (Faulkner)
847. Forest Runner
848. Giant Killer
849. Ed Greenwood Ranger
850. Justifier
851. Mountain Man
852. Sea Ranger
853. True Paladin
854. Divinate
855. Envoy
856. Equerry
857. Errant
858. Expatriate
859. Ghosthunter
860. Inquisitor
861. Medician
862. Militarist
863. Sky Rider
864. Votary
865. Wyrmslayer
866. Adviser
867. Avenger
868. Beastfriend
869. Hivemaster
870. Lost Druid
871. Natural Philosopher
872. Pacifist
873. Shapeshifter
874. Totemic Druid
875. Village Druid
876. Wanderer
877. Brushrunner
878. Brute
879. Forest Lord
880. Islander
881. Plainsrider
882. Ravager
883. Wizard Slayer
884. Dreamwalker
885. Flamespeaker (M'wanga)
886. Medicine Man (Medicine Woman)
887. Spiritist
888. Witchman (Ulogo)
889. Stealer-In
890. Shadow Warrior
891. Intruder
892. Consort
893. Lone Wolf
894. Spirit Warrior
<here are some more OD&D level titles>
895. Fighting Woman
896. Battle Maiden
897. Shield Maiden
898. Valkyrie
899. War Lady
900. Postulant
901. Apostolate
902. Deaconess
903. Superioress
904. Wench
905. Hag
906. Jade
907. Succubus
908. Gypsy
909. Sibyl
910. Sage
911. Demigod
<the following entries are from the DMG>
912. City guard
913. City official
914. City watchman
915. Cleric
916. Daemon
917. Demon
918. Devil
919. Doppleganger
920. Drunk
921. Gentleman
922. Ghast (01-30) or Ghoul (31-00)
923. Ghost
924. Giant rats
925. Goodwife
926. Harlot
927. Laborer (01-50) or Peddler (51-00)
928. Magic-user
929. Merchant
930. Monk (01-60) or Bard (61-00)
931. Night hag
932. Noble
933. Pilgrim
934. Press Gang
935. Rake
936. Rakshasa
937. Ruffian
938. Tradesman
939. Wererat
940. Weretiger
941. Werewolf
942. Wight
943. Will-o-wisp
944. Wraith
945. Vampire (01-75) or Lich (76-00)
<the following entries are from the 1e DMG>
946. Bearer or Porter
947. Carpenter
948. Groom
949. Leather worker
950. Limner
951. Linkboy
952. Mason
953. Pack handler
954. Tailor
955. Teamster
956. Valet or Lackey
957. Alchemist
958. Blacksmith
959. Engineer-Architect
960. Engineer-Artillerist
961. Engineer-Sapper/Miner
962. Jeweler-Gemcutter
963. Ship crew
964. Ship master
965. Castellan
966. Weapon maker
967. Slovenly trull
968. Brazen strumpet
969. Cheap trollop
970. Typical streetwalker
971. Saucy tart
972. Wanton wench
973. Expensive doxy
974. Haughty courtesan
975. Aged madam
976. Wealthy procuress
979. Sly pimp
980. Rich panderer
<Guess where these entries came from>
981. Demonologist
983. Houngan
986. Blasphemer
987. Melancholiac
988. Maniac
989. Homosexual
990. Prostitute
991. Satanist
992. Gambler
993. Barbarian
994. Cannibal
995. Sadist
996. Desecrator
997. Summoner
998. Necromaner
999. Diviner
1000. Deity