
AT A GLANCE: The Darkhold is a highspired
keep of black stone that rises
from a bare rocky spur on the side of
the mountain known as "the Grey Watcher"
(also called locally "the Grey Watcher of the Morning").
Small figures move along its battlements, giving an
idea of the massive size of the Keep.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The stone of this
ancient tower is not of local origin, and
has been fused together in some
unknown fashion into a single piece.
Legend says that the tower was constructed
by elementals commanded by
a fell sorcerer in the waning day of
Netheril (See THE LONELY MOOR). It is
also said that the sorcerer, now a lich,
still inhabits the secret ways and chambers
beneath the keep.

The keep itself can house at least a
thousand men-at-arms, though its
present garrison numbers less than
half that. The tunnels and storage
cairns lace the mountainside beneath
the keep, and a number of escape tunnels
have been bored through the living
rock by various owners. The keep has
belonged to a number of organizations,
wizards, and companies, and was most
recently a bandit-hold before being
"appropriated" by its present owners.

The fortress of Darkhold is part of
the Black Network of the Zhentarim,
and is presently the westernmost established
refuge of that organization and
their allies. Patrols from Darkhold
roam the Far Hills north to Yellow
Snake Pass and Skull Gorge and South
to Asbravn, often sparring with the Red
Cloaks of Asbravn and the Corm Orp
militia. Caravans controlled or guarded
by Zhentarim forces make this place a
regular stop when traveling to and
from the Sword Coast, and representative
of Darkhold can be found in merchant
trains from northern Mirabar to
southern Calimshan, and east to Zhentil
Keep itself.

GAME INFORMATION: Darkhold is currently
the base for 400 men-at-arms,
under the command of two fifth level
fighters from Zhentil Keep, Beldrar and
Hlestin. The Keep commander is
thought to be the 12th level mage,
Sememmon of the Zhentarim.

A Darkhold patrols normally numbers
20 troops led by a second level
fighter. They are normally dressed in
banded mail, carry crossbows and long
swords. Those within ten miles of the
keep will be foot patrols, while those
beyond that range will be mounted on
medium horse, and in addition carry


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