
AT A GLANCE: Located on the Southern
Shore of the Moonsea, Hillsfar is one of
the petty states vying for control in that
area with Zhentil Keep. Like many of
the Cities of the Moonsea, Hillsfar is a
series of ringed walls reaching from the
coast to the city proper, with access to
the central keep restricted only to those
individuals currently approved by the
current government.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Hillsfar, formerly
the most open city on the Moonsea,
has recently changed markedly in outlook,
a change directly linked to the disappearance
of the elves. Formerly the
"meeting-ground" between the elves
and humankind for trade and diplomatic
dealings, Hillsfar is today an
ambitious, well-armed city-state, challenging
Zhentil Keep for economic
supremacy in the region, and now visibly
ready to meet any resultant military

Hillsfar was until recently ruled by a
council of men, half-elves, and representatives
of the Elven Court. The
Council was corrupt and soon collapsed
when troubled times came to the
region: the elven members resigned
and left with the Elven Court, and all of
the humans and most of the half-elves
were in the pay of various foreign
powers; Zhentil Keep, Mulmaster, Scardale,
Sembia, the drow and the Cult of
the Dragon (some were paid by two or
more of these groups).

The Council was overthrown last
winter, and the city is now governed by
Maalthiir, First Lord of Hillsfar, a
merchant-mage who is said to be
shrewd, ruthless, and independent of
Sembia, Mulmaster, Zhentil Keep, Cormyr,
and other power groups in the
area. He has no known allies (or enemies)
as yet. Rumor has it that he has
plans to annex Elventree and spread
down the coast, eventually opening a
port on the Inner Sea. His mercenary
guards, already nicknamed "The Red
Plumes," have a squad in Scardale, and
patrols south towards Essembra.
Maalthiir has assured Sembian envoys
that he intends to establish a guardpost
at The Standing Stone eventually with
the latter force, nothing more.

GAME INFORMATION: The new government
of Maalthiir is a great
unknown in the Moonsea area, and his
aims are unknown but can be assumed
to be expansionist. However, in noting
that first glances may be misleading,
what follows is a passage written by the
Sage Elminster in response to an adventurer
's inquiry as to the previous, now revealed
as corrupt, government:

"Hillsfar is a free city, governed by a
loose, democratic Council of Merchants.
All members must base their
businesses within the city, and have one
vote each. The Council is called together
each Greengrass, each Shieldmeet,
and in times of emergency. The Council
in turn elects and advises a Court of
Elders, who control the Watch and
serve as magistrates. These Elders hold
office for life, and have one vote each
on any decision of the Council. An
Elder?s vote can be overturned by a
majority vote of the Court of Elders.

The Council numbered 306 when last
convened; the Elders have always been
14 strong. Of these 14, four are men of
fame and distinction (heroes and sages),
seven are half-elves, and three are
elves. They are as follows.

"The representatives of the Elven
Court: Tiarshus, Elephon, and Sylvar

"The Half-elves: Duarros, Milzhen,
Niunen Hlintos, Torst Brathen, Hirpanen,
Krios, and Hlathem

"The human heroes: Elske, Ammakar,
Hlammech Bevuldor, and Ormech

"Little can be said of their characters
and interests. The sage Elminster has
dealt with Tiarshus and Elephon and
notes them as old and noble elf-lords.
Rumor says that Niunen and Torst are
bards, that Ammakar is a young but
white-haired, cruel magic user, and
Ormech is a cleric of Tempus."

While Elminster's entry stresses that
this is secondhand information, and not
verified facts, it does go to show the limitations
of even mighty sages in the face
of human nature and greed.

The Red Plumes are various mercenary
companies, carrying their own
company insignia and dress but wearing
the red-plumed helms provided by
Maalthiir to show their allegiance. They
vary in attitude and ability as most mercenary
companies (see MERCENARIES).


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