Listen (Alteration)

A of E: 1 creature
CT: 1/10 segment

A person-affecting listen cantrip enables
the caster to attract the attention of a
target creature within 6".

The cantrip
is activated by the caster's pointing at
the target and then at himself, while
simultaneously saying, "Ahem."

The target
will then be alerted to the message
subsequently (beginning within one
segment of the casting) spoken by the
caster--i.e., across a wide street or
crowded room, etc. The cantrip does
not act as a message spell; there must be
no barriers to sound between caster
and target, and the cantrip does not
improve the target's hearing or the volume
of the caster's voice--nor does it
capture the target's full concentration,
so it will not ruin or delay spellcasting.
If the message is spoken in a language
not understood by the target, the cantrip
does not translate it. The cantrip is
ideal for alerting a friend to the presence
of the caster. A listen cantrip will
never be cast upon the wrong target
due to movement during the caster's
pointing; the caster's view of the target
determines the target.
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