Cloak of the Shield

Enc.: 2.5 (worn), 5 (folded)
IS: Cloth +2
XP: 1500
GP: 10,000
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

The wearer of this cloak can project a
shieldlike field of invisible force once
every two turns, maintaining and moving
this force field by conscious mental
control. The field lasts up to three
rounds, in the form of a square 10 x 10
across and four inches thick. The wearer
can employ this shield without strain
within 4" of himself as a shield, protecting
himself or another single being, so
that it acts as a wall of force (as per the
magic-user spell), a weapon (striking as
an invisible ramming force, doing 1-10
points of damage per blow, one blow
per round, no saving throw), as a bridge
or a barrier (like a door), or as a “floating
disk” (like Tenser’s spell). The wearer
can shift the force field to fulfill any
or all of these functions in any order,
but it may so serve only in one capacity
per round.

If not maintained by constant mental
control (i.e., the wearer cannot be
struck unconscious, stunned, charmed,
confused, feebleminded, or psionically
attacked, and cannot himself cast
spells), it ceases to exist immediately.

Attacks upon the field of force do not
affect the cloak. Elminster reports that
some of these cloaks have lost their
powers when used often—and therefore
advances the hyypothesis that such cloaks
have a limited number of magical charges
or uses before they are exhausted. The
truth of this, it must be stressed, is presently
unknown (DM’s option).