1. Chamber of the Troll Guards
<guard = surprised only 1 in 6?>

This is a dark, dank, 30’ x 30’ room. Piles of
rubbish and trash may be seen near the back
walls of the room. Once the door is opened,
the party becomes aware of the dreadful
stench inside, and knows immediately that <DSG, Odor Detection>
monsters live here.

10 trolls are in the room. When the door
opens, the two largest trolls leap out of the
darkness (surprising on 1-3), and grab with
both hands at those characters who opened
the door. If a hit is scored, the victim is flung
into the room, to be attacked in following
rounds by the other trolls. A victim whose
strength is 17 or greater may resist being
thrown in by grappling with the trolls. The
DM should consider the HP of the trolls
involved when determining their grappling
statistics. The two trolls by the door try to
throw two or three characters into the room
and then melee with the rest of the party,
blocking the doorway. Characters thrown into
the room are fighting in near-darkness, so unless
they possess infravision, apply a - 2 penalty
to hit. Such victims cannot coordinate
their attacks, due to the confusion and darkness.

Buried under the trash are 900 ep and three
pieces of jewelry (5,000 gp, 4,000 gp, and
2,000 gp).

Trolls (10): hp 47,45, 38, 36, 35, 34, 30, 30,
26, 23; XPV 650 + 8/hp each, 9,252 total
