The Three Sisters: Nipo, Jeukung and Awana

by Jay Batista
T'u Lung Places of Interest - Oriental Adventures Kara-Tur

The three large islands north of the Joi Chang
Peninsula are called Nipo, Jeukung and Awana, and
they are territories disputed with Shou Lung.

Of the
three, Jeukung is the most coveted, a wooded isle with
a famous trading port. It is ruled by Bhu?en Raw the
Sealord, captain of a fleet of 26 vessels, and highly
connected with the local yakuza. Some believe he is a
member of the long Ch'an, a secret society of ninja,
but this is only gossip.

Nipo is the smallest island and is the home of hermits
and flocks of seabirds. At one time this small
windswept rock was used as a coventry for criminals
and wu jens convicted of evil against mankind.

is the most eastern isle, and it is known for its magic
plant, the awana herb, a spice that only grows in this
wild land. To collect the awana spice is a dangerous
task, since the island is filled with unholy cannibals
and terrible monsters, but the plant is worth its
weight in jewels, for it cures many illnesses and can
be used to extend life.