As can be seen in this illustration, Delsenora looks much younger 
than her actual 56 years. She is shown here enroute to her keep. 

by James M. Ward

<get Delsenora Spellfire card>

Polyhedron - 1st Ed. AD&D - Polyhedron #18
Persona Skills - Equipment Holdings and possessions

Everyone has a favorite character class in
the role-playing game they play most
often. This column exists to give a general
idea of what characteristics and/or
quirks a superior, balanced character in a
particular character class would have.
These "archetypical" characters are
designed to act as benchmarks for your
own characters; they are only subjective

Keep in mind, however, that if all, or
even most, of the characters in your campaign
are like those presented in this
column, perhaps too much is being given
away. This, the second article in the
series, details the archetypical magic-user.


Delsenora is a 56 year old wizardess who
has taken Longevity potions to make her
physical age 22. She is a precise, aloof,
and imaginative sort of person. 

Delsenora is dedicated to her magical 
craft and spends a great deal of time looking 
for magical artifacts of all types. Her 
mother was a magic-user of great power 
who gave Delsenora her spell books when 
she retired. After spending years learning 
the power of books, Delsenora 
quested for several magic items that her 
mother knew about but never acquired. 
Along the way she picked up several different 
types of items that have served her 
well in her adventures. 

Her quests have caused her to travel in 
the lands of the giants, in the process 
learning how to be useful to them 
and their languages. As a neutral character, 
she has been advisor to many important 
fire and frost giant chieftains who 
have in turn pledged to help her in time 
of need. 

She often takes young giants under her 
wing to serve as helpers. These man-sized 
youngsters are trained to deal wiht 
humans, and given knowledge of other 
giant races. In exchange she is given 
military service on her explorations in the 
wilds. She has the reputation of being 
very fair in her payments to underlings, 
but the dangerous areas she frequents 
often eliminates her help before their term 
of employment is up. 

Although Delsenora remains neutral in 
her dealings with most beings, she greatly 
fears all undead creatures. She has had 
several bad experiences with vampires 
while exploring old temples. Several times 
in her career she has organized bands of 
clerics to destroy temples and holdings 
controlled by liches and vampires. In 
these battles she has done her utmost to 
get rid of the undead menaces. These 
campaigns have resulted in several important 
magical finds for her, but she has 
always refused the gold and other types of 
treaure, feeling they were cursed. 

Delsenora's one great passion in life is
flying, a pursuit which has colored all of 
her activities. Her first reaction to any 
adverse encounter is to utter a Flying 
spell and take to the air to drop darts on 
her attackers. If her Flying spells are used 
up she will Levitate. 

This passion for flying has caused her 
to build a small tower keep in a secluded 
spot in the Crystalmist Mountains 
between the Dry Steppes and the 
Hornwood Forests. 

The other interest that occupies her 
time is the study of ancient ruins. 
Delsenora has a large collection of old 
maps and temple plans. This interest in 
ruins has caused her to adventure very far 
from home; some of these temples have 
given her her favorite magic items. 


She speaks fluent cloud giant, fire giant, 
frost giant, hill giant, storm giant, red 
dragon, and unicorn. She is very skilled 
in identifying unknown magical items of 
all types, and has been highly paid for 
such work. Her favorite tricks are all 
magical. She has several unusual spells 
that her mother gave her which she has 
improved upon. These include: 4th-level 
Hold Giant spell (1-4 of them take a -3 on 
their saves or are all held); 3rd-level Displacement 
spell (as the cloak for seven 
melee rounds); 3rd-level Cold Ray (as the 
Cone of Cold but a single beam); 2nd-level 
Summon Cat spell (will teleport the 
two largest cats within 20 miles to fight 
for her for one round); 1st level Regenerate 
spell (as the best ring for 12 hours). <1st level?> 

Besides the unusual spells she has an 
extremely unusual familiar: a large male 
unicorn. It was summoned when 
Delsenora used a scroll spell of Find 
Familiar given to her by a cloud giant. 
The giant told her she would receive the 
familiar she needed to help her on her 
quests -- the unicorn. The creature is a 
powerful tempering force in her life and 
one of the reasons why she rarely, if ever, 
goes into underground areas to adventure. 
Everytime she strays from the path 
of true neutrality, her familiar presents 
advice that tempers Delsenora's judgement. 
She has learned to always trust the 
unicorn's advice. 


Delsenora possesses the following magic 
items: A belt of Pouch of Holding, which 
holds what a Portable Hole would but it 
magically shrinks objects to make them fit 
(does not work on living or animated 
objects); a Ring of Free Action; a Rope of 
Entanglement; and a Dagger of Venom 
(she only uses it on monsters and 

Besides the magic items already listed, 
Delsenora has the following in her pouch: 
four-foot iron pole, then 10,000 gp gems, 
ten Magic Mouth spells cast on smooth 
rocks that shout threats in a number of 
giant languages when someone passes 
over them. She is fond of throwing them 
down corridors to slow down enemies 
when she is chased. She has three small, 
valuable-looking pouches filled with rocks 
which each have a Fire Trap spell on 
them. When being chased by intelligent 
monsters she will purposely drop these 
pouches expecting her enemies to 
see them, pick them up and spring the Fire 
Trap spell. 

In addition to these items, she also 
packs the normal amount of adventuring 
equipment in her pouch: food, water/wine, 
clothes, camping equipment, etc. 

Holdings and possessions 

Perched high in an inaccessible mountain, Delsenora's keep is filled with magical 
traps and defenses. The interior is divided into two parts: one holds guests, 
and the other is where she lives and works. 

Her tower keep is perched high in an 
extremely inaccesible mountain. Even 
the tallest of giants have to fly to get 
there. It was built by magic and is filled 
with magical traps and defenses. It is 
designed in two parts. There are a set of
hambers equpped for giants to live in. 
These areas are usually always filled with 
guests that have come for advice. The 
second part is where she lives and works; 
it is carefully guarded by invisible stalkers, 
special magical spells, and several 
holy words she paid to have placed in her 
keep. Her personal treasure horde, only 
to be used in times of dire necessity, 
includes: Staff of Power (12 charges), 
Wand of Negation (3 charges), Wand of 
Lighting (9 charges), and Broom of 
Flying. She wants to recharge the wands 
and the staff but is veyr busy with her 
other interests and has not taken the time 
to do it yet. 

<c6 image>