The walls of this 20' wide passage are
painted with scenes of gross evil, death, and destruction. Some also depict parties of worshippers and their sacrificial captives; each is led by a robed cleric. The great doors along the southern part of each wall are polished brass, with many more vile scenes and runes. Huge rings hang from their centers, for opening and closing. |
Close inspection of the walls reveals inset symbols
of bronze adorning the pictures of the priests —
a square on a figure wearing silvery
a circle on a green-robed
and an eight-pointed device on the figure
in red.
The hinges of the huge doors are well-greased,
and this is also discernable with
study. A spell keeps the doors from tarnishing.
This dusty passage connects areas 209 and
225 (Kelno's residence). A gargoyle fountain
on the northwest diagonal wall spurts milky
but potable water into a
stone basin. The
north branch leads to a stairway,
curves counter-clockwise as it descends to
area 314 (Dungeon Level