Here are the beginnings of a smallish castle,
being built around a new tower atop the
low mound. Workers have dug deep trench
lines about 10 feet wide and as deep, down
to a hard clay. They seem to be in the process
of mortaring the foundations of the wall
to be built above. Work has barely begun,
but the outlines of bastions, towers, a gatehouse
and a keep can be noted.

The keep is atop the 2nd hillock, and
considerable excavation has taken place.
The earth from this digging has been used in
the walls around the whole. Some dressed
stone blocks are visible, but not similar to
local stone.

The whole is being financed by the Viscount
and the Archcleric of Veluna, for
favors done by the owners of the tower
(which they also built), Burne && Rufus.
These 2 will, in turn, serve the Viscount
by holding the AREA safe for him and reporting
on any untoward happenings.

>> 31.