Erythnul (The Many)
(OC - Ugliness, Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Slaughter - CE(N), m)
Lesser God
MOVE: 18"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 +10 (strength bonus)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to
SIZE: M (7' tall)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SYMBOL: Red blood drop
PLANE: Pandemonium
CLERIC/DRUID: 5th level cleric
FIGHTER: 15th level fighter
Attack/Defense Modes:
The stone-headed mace is not a magical weapon,
per se, but any creature hearing its ghastly keening must save vs. Paralyzation
or drop whatever he holds, turn, and run screaming from the area.
The area of effect is a 10' radius, wisdom
bonuses apply to saving throws, and creatures above 12 HD or experience
levels are not affected.
Panicked creatures will flee until exhaustion
causes them to fall senseless.
If they fail to make a roll with 3d6 which
is equal to or less than their constitution score, they die of fatigue
and shock.
(Where constitution is unknown, there is
a 1 in 4 chance of death.)
If Erythnul is stabbed or cut in battle, the following creatures will spring forth from the blood:
1st Wound: 5-20 1st level human fighters
armored in red metal (AC 5) and wielding footmen's maces.
Each has 10 HP, never checks morale, and
fights until slain.
2md Wound: 4-16 gnolls clad in red-lacquered
armor (AC 4) and wielding morning stars.
Each has 16 HP, never checks morale, and
fights until slain.
3rd Wound: 3-12 bugbears adorned in plates
of red enameled iron (AC 3) and wielding flails.
Each has 25 HP, never checks morale, and
fights until slain.
4th Wound: 2-8 ogres wearing pelts and hides
of red fur and hair (AC 2) and wielding huge clubs (2-8 points of damage
6 points strength bonus).
Each has 33 HP, never checks morale, and
fights until slain.
5th Wound: 1-4 trolls whose coppery skin
indicates unusually high AC (AC 1).
Each has 48 HP, never checks morale, and
fights until slain.
These creatures only appear once in a given combat, and never more than once per day.
In addition to normal clerical spells, Erythnul
can cast a fear spell exactly as if he were a 12th level magic-user, except
that the spell-like power issues from Erythnul's eyes.
The spell can be cast once per round.
If it is used, he cannot attack otherwise,
although the spell-like power cannot be interrupted.
He is also able to take the form of a human,
gnoll, bugbear, ogre, or troll at will, changing form in one segment.
Erythnul otherwise has all of the powers
typical for a lesser god.
S: 22 | I: 16 | W: 16 |
D: 19 | C: 22 | CH: -4 |
Com: | - | - |
Erythnul, know as "The Many," is the deity
capricious malice, hate, envy and panic.
His followers
include humans and humanoids as well, for
is said to greatly rewward his faithfuul
servants for their
fickleness and wicked deeds. Erythnul stalks
battlefields in order to strike fear and
rout whenever possible.
This deity appears as a seven-foot tall,
brutal-looking man.
He is rubicund of complexion, hirsute,
and muscular.
Erythnul has mad, darting eyes of dull
green color which are horrible to behold.
He is typically clad in red fur garments
and russet-dyed leather.
He carries a huge stone-headed mace.
The head of this weapon is pierced so that
when Erythnul swings it the mace gives off a shrieking whistle.
The keening from Erythnul's stone-plated mace has been known to send those hearing it fleeing and screaming in fright, until they pass out from exhaustion.
When Erythnul engages in combat, his visage
mutates, flowing in form from human to gnoll to bugbear to ogre to troll.
This denotes his special power to generate
servitors from his blood. If Erythnul is stabbed or cut in battle, the
following creatures have been seen to spring forth from his spilled blood:
-- Human fighters armored in red metal and
wielding footman's maces.
-- Gnolls
clad in red lacquered armor and wielding morning stars.
-- Bugbears adorned in plates of red enameled
iron and wielding flails.
-- Ogres wearing pelts and hides of red
fur and hair and wielding huge clubs.
-- Trolls whose coppery skin is unusually
tough, and which fight with their natural weapons.
Erythnul can spread fear through his eyes.
He can assume the shape of a human, gnoll,
bugbear, ogre, or troll at will.
Erythnul otherwise has all of the powers
typical for a lesser god.
Sphere of Control | Animal | M | F | N-H | Head | Body | Color(s) | Holy Days | Frequency | Form | Place of Worship |
Each cleric of Erythnul above 3rd level
is able to cast a scare spell just as if he or she were a magic-user.
This spell is in addition to normal cleric
Clerics of Erythnul dress in rust colored
Ceremonial robes are often white spattered
with blood.
Masks include stylized visages for each
of Erythnul's five aspects.
Most places of worship of Erythnul are
Most towns and cities have a small cult
of his followers amongst the denizens of the local thieves quarter.
Many gnolls, bugbears, ogres and trolls
worship this deity.
Services include shrill reed instruments
played in discord, gongs, and drums.
Major rites include fire and a sacrifice.
Deities of the World of Greyhawk | - | - | - | DDG |
Originally posted by shadow
Gary, I've been wondering
for a while what was your inspiration for some of the gods of Greyhawk.
Specifically I've been wondering about Erythnul, Zagyg, and Wastri
Erythnul, the many, really
kind of reminds me that old movie, Clash of the Titans.
In one part of the movie
skeletons spring up from the ground where the hydra's teeth had been sown.
In the same way, where ever
Erythnul's blood spills, monsters spring up.
What was your inspiration
for Erythnul?
Erythnul was my conception,
and it was inspired by need in the pantheon being created, and the "Demon
of Blood & Seed" from Hindu mythology provided the conceptual basis
for one of his capabilities.
Originally Posted by med
Hi Gary (and merry christmas
and happy new year!!)
I was wondering something
about the names of Erythnul and Nerull; Erythno means red or something
like that in latin or greek, and nero means black. Did you name Erythnull
and Nerull with that in mind?
Yuletide Greetings, Med Stud,
You are on target with the above. Erythnul was conceived of a bloody, Nerull as dark and against life.