FREQUENCY: Uncommon (any except arctic || arid)
FREQUENCY: Common ([Dungeon Level II])
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Temperate
Civilized Mountains], [Temperate Civilized Hills], [Temperate Civilized
Forest], [Temperate Civilized Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Temperate
Civilized Plains])
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Temperate
Wilderness Mountains], [Temperate Wilderness Hills], [Temperate Wilderness
Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate
Wilderness Plains]) <check all above>
([Tropical Civilized Mountains], [Tropical Civilized Hills], [Tropical
Civilized Forest], [Tropical Civilized Swamp])
rare ([Tropical Civilized Plains])
([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Hills], [Tropical
Wilderness Forest], [Tropical Wilderness Swamp])
rare ([Tropical Wilderness Plains]) <x=hyena>
NO. APPEARING: 20-200 <(hyenas: II, hyaenodons: III, orcs: I, hobgoblins: I, bugbears: III, ogres: III, trolls: VI, normal flind: II, leader flind: III)>
ARMOR CLASS: 5 (+***)
MOVE: 9"
HIT DICE: 2 (+***)
% IN LAIR: 20% (20 Gnolls:
swamp, TPL18:3rd, REF3.60)
TREASURE TYPE: Individuals
[L], [M]; [D], [Q] (x 5), [S] in lair
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 16 (15)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 or by
weapon <weapon +1: cf. DMG. 15>
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: L (7'+ tall)
II | 28 + 2
DEITY: Gnolls worship
the Demon Prince Yeenoghu.
SAVES: 14, 15, 16,
17, 17
MORALE: 60% <check>
Gnolls attempt
to use a pit to their advantage in a fight.
Gnoll shamans compel
worship of Yeenoghu through of the god's wrath
should he be slighted.
Yeenoghu's symbol
is his triple flail, and all of his shamans wield similar (though non-magical)
weapons. <footmen's flails, prb.>
Gnoll shamans can
advance up to the 5th level of clerical ability. <x: should be 'shamanic'>
*** For guards and leaders.
Gnolls travel and live in
rapacious bands of loose organization, with the
largest dominating the rest.
These bands recognize no other gnoll as
supreme, but they do not
necessarily dislike other bands, and on occasion
2 or more such groups will
join together briefly in order to fight, raid,
loot, or similarly have
greater chance of success against some common foe
or potential victim. They
are adaptable and inhabit nearly any AREA save
those which are arctic
and/or arid. They have a so-called king, very
powerful personally and
with a double normal--sized following, but his
authority extends only as
far as his reach.
For every 20 gnolls encountered
there will be a leader-type with 16 HP (attacks as a 3 HD creature). <THACO
If 100 or more of these
creatures are encountered there will be the following additional gnolls
with the band:
a chieftain (AC 3, 22 HP,
attack as a 4 hit dice creature and does 4-10 HP damage/attack) and
2-12 guards (AC 4, 20 HP,
attack as 3 hit dice monsters, and do 3-9 hit points damage).
If the gnolls are encountered
in their lair there will always be a chieftain there,
and there will be from 5-20
guards with him.
The lair will also contain
females and young equal to 50% and 200% respectively of the number of males
Gnolls are subterranean 85%
of the time, but occasionally (15%) they will
take up residence in an
abandoned (or cleared) village or building of
some sort. In the former
case they are 30% likely to have 1-3 trolls living
with them and acting as
guards. In the case where gnolls are found above
ground, they are quite likely
(65%) to have 4-16 hyenas (80%) or 2-12
(20%) as pets and guards. They always have a number of
captives for food
or slave labor (1 per 10 gnolls is minimum).
employ a great variety of weapons, all carry swords, and a typical
force will have the following
15% | great bow <daikyu?> | 01-15 |
35% | pole arm | 16-50 |
15% | two-handed sword | 51-65 |
20% | battle axe | 66-85 |
15% | morning star | 86-00 |
Gnolls will generally be
on friendly terms with orcs,
and even trolls -- providing the weaker types are
not very much
weaker in numbers and the
gnolls are relatively equal in strength to the
stronger monsters.
Gnolls are strong, but they
dislike work and are not good miners. They
have infravision.
They speak their racial tongue, chaotic
evil, troll, and
often (60%) orcish and/or
Description: There
is a great resemblance between gnolls and hyenas.
Gnolls have greenish gray
skins, darker near the muzzle, with reddish gray
to dull yellow mane. Eyes
are dull black and nails are amber colored. Their
armor is of horn, metal
plates, and leather; like their fur capes and vests, it
is shabby, and the latter
are moth-eaten and dingy, being brown, black or
grayish pelts. Gnolls have
short life spans -- 35 years being average.
Tribal Spell Casters : Shamen (C5 maximum) OR witch doctors (C5 / MU2 maximum). Not recommended for random encounters.
Gnolls worship the Demon
Prince Yeenoghu (see MONSTER MANUAL, DEMON, Yeenoghu).
Gnoll shamans compel worship
of Yeenoghu through fear of the god's wrath should he be slighted.
Yeenoghu's symbol is his
triple flail, and all of his shamans wield similar (though non-magical)
Gnoll shamans can advance
up to the 5th level of clerical ability.
The name for gnolls is from
Dunsany, but nothing else.
Julian Grimm wrote:
After reading the original
descriptions for thr gnoll and seeing the original artwork for the bugbear
what prompted the changes from their original forms ( Bugbear, a pumpkin
headed baddy and the Gnoll a Gnome/Troll mix) to their AD&D
The pumpkin-headed bugbear was an artist taking literally my diesription of the monster as having a head like a pumpkin, i.e large, round flat oval.
Akthough the gnole might be such, I thought that a cross between a gnome and a troll was quite unlikely in the developing game system, so I decided to make the gnoll a hyena-like humanoid. I took a dislike to hyenas odor and appearance when I was a wee lad taken to the zoo regularly by my father.
Originally Posted by scadgrad
I'm curious about the origins
of a few of the original monsters from the MM; the Gnoll in particular
and later, the Flind. I've heard that these have an origin in fantasy literature,
but for the life of me I can't imagine which series one might find them
featured in. As a follow up to that question, of the monsters in that early
tome, and in fact quite a few beasties of OD&D and AD&D, there
are a good number which were entirely made from whole cloth, name and all.
Of those, is there one, or a group, which you're particularly pleased with?
I've always found the idea of the Puddings to be just wildly imaginative
and appreciate the way that such strange, original creatures have become
part of our shared experience.
I took the general name
from a short story in The Magazne of Fantasy & Science Fiction,
"The Man who sold Rope to
the Gnoles".
everything else i made up
to suit the game
The flind is not my creation, it was done by a Brit, and first apeared in White Dwarf magazine, then in the Fiend Folio.
death_jester: Gnolls are sadistic and
nasty mosters."