(SG: 1, Wis, -3)
(OA: 1, 18 = 85%)

You can:

1. Vault
2. Jump
3. Spur
4. Guide
5. Drop
6. Leap
Monster List


Horsemanship (1, 18 a): Those skilled in horsemanship are skilled in the art of riding and handling horses,
especially when using them in combat. This allows the character to attempt the following special feats when
riding horses:

1. VAULT (85%)
A character can attempt to vault into the saddle, even when wearing armor, and get his horse underway in a single segment.
A die roll must be made and failure indicates the character has managed to make a fool of himself by falling to the ground.

2. JUMP (85%)

The character can urge his horse<mount> to make jumps and leaps.
The horse<mount> can jump obstacles up to 7 feet in height and leap spans of 20 feet, both with a running start.
Again a die roll for success must be made with failure indicating that the horse<mount> balks.
Should the horse<mount> balk, the character must make a second die roll to see if he remains in the saddle.

3. SPUR (85%)

"With astonishing speed and skill they checked their steeds, wheeled, and came charging round." - The Two Towers

The character can spur his horse to greater speeds, increasing the animal's movement rate by 6".
This pace can be sustained for four turns,
after which the character must dismount and walk the horse for one turn,
cooling it down.

4. GUIDE (85%)
The character can guide his horse with his knees, allowing him to use weapons that require two hands
(bows, go-daichi, etc.) while on horseback.

5. DROP (85%)

By dropping down and hanging along the side of the animal, a character can use his horse to shield
himself from attack. The character cannot attack or be wearing armor while doing this feat. A die roll must be
made for success, and failure indicates the character has fallen to the ground, suffering 1d6 hit points of

6.LEAP (85%)
Finally, the character can make a spectacular flying dismount, leaping from the back of his horse, even
at full gallop. Landing on his feet, he can still make an attack in the same round at any opponent within 10 feet.
however, a die roll for success must be made with a -4 modifier to the roll (die to the difficulty of the feat). On a
failed die roll (due to the difficulty of the feat). On a failed die roll, the character falls clumsily to the ground,
failing to land on his feet, and suffers 1-3 hit pints of damage.

The feats allowed by the Horsemanship proficiency can also be used when riding horse-like creatures
(ki-rin, etc.)

a    This proficiency requires a die roll to determine success.

(1, Wis, +3)

Those skilled in riding are proficient in the art of riding
and handling horses or another type of mount. When the proficiency
slot is filled, the character must declare which type of
mount he or she is proficient in. Possibilities include griffons, unicorns, <>
dire wolves, and virtually any creatures used as mounts by
humans, demihumans, or humanoids.

A character with riding proficiency can perform all of the following
feats, some of them automatically, and others requiring a Proficiency
Check for success. The exact nature of each feat is
described separately.

    1) The character can vault into a saddle whenever the horse
or other mount is standing still, even when the character is wearing
armor. This does not require a Proficiency Check. The character
must make a check, however, if he wishes to get the mount
moving during the same segment in which he landed in its saddle.
He must also make a Proficiency Check if he attempts to
vault into the saddle of a moving mount. Failure indicates that the
character falls to the ground-presumably quite embarrassed.

    2) The character can urge the mount to jump tall obstacles
or leap across gaps. No check is required if the obstacle is three
feet tall or less, or is less than 12 feet wide. If the character makes
a Proficiency Check, the mount can be urged to leap obstacles
up to seven feet high, or jump across gaps up to thirty feet across.
Success means that the mount has made the jump. Failure indicates
that it balks, and the character must make another Proficiency
Check to see whether he retains his seat or falls to the

    3) The character can spur his steed on to great speeds, adding
six feet per round to the animal’s movement rate for up to four
turns. This requires a Proficiency Check each turn in order to see
if the mount can be pushed harder. If the initial check fails, no further
attempts can be made, but the mount can move normally. If
the second or a later check fails, the mount immediately slows to
a walk, and the character must dismount and lead the animal for
a turn. In any event, after four turns of racing, the steed must be
walked by its dismounted rider for a turn.

    4) The character can guide his mount with his knees, allowing
him to use weapons that require two hands (such as bows and
two-handed swords) while mounted. This feat does not require a
Proficiency Check unless the character takes damage while so
riding. In this case, a check is required and failure means that the
character falls to the ground and sustains an additional id6
points of damage.

    5) The character can drop down and hang alongside the
steed, using it as a shield against attack. The character cannot
make an attack or wear armor while performing this feat. The
character’s Armor Class receives a bonus of +6 when this
maneuver is performed. Any attacks that would have struck the
character’s normal Armor Class are considered to have struck
the mount instead. No Proficiency Check is required.

    6) The character can leap from the back of his steed to the
ground and make a melee attack against any character or creature
within 10 feet. Due to the difficulty of the feat, however, the
player must make a Proficiency Check with a -4 modifier to succeed.
On a failed roll, the character fails to land on his feet, falls
clumsily to the ground, and suffers ld3 points damage.

WSG: This proficiency is essentially the same as
the riding proficiency described on page 28 of the DSG.
A player choosing this proficiency for his character
must specify the type of mount to which it applies. More than one
proficiency in land-based riding may be taken if the player desires
his character to be skilled in handling and riding more than <>

A character with riding proficiency can perform all of the following
feats, some of them automatically, and others requiring a Proficiency
Check for success. The exact nature of each feat is
described separately. <?>

The character can vault into a saddle whenever the horse
or other mount is standing still, even when the character is wearing
armor. This does not require a Proficiency Check. The character
must make a check, however, if he wishes to get the mount
moving during the same segment in which he landed in its saddle.
He must also make a Proficiency Check if he attempts to
vault into the saddle of a moving mount. Failure indicates that the
character falls to the ground-presumably quite embarrassed.

The character can urge the mount to jump tall obstacles
or leap across gaps. No check is required if the obstacle is three
feet tall or less, or is less than 12 feet wide. If the character makes
a Proficiency Check, the mount can be urged to leap obstacles
up to seven feet high, or jump across gaps up to thirty feet across.
Success means that the mount has made the jump. Failure indicates
that it balks, and the character must make another Proficiency
Check to see whether he retains his seat or falls to the

The character can spur his steed on to great speeds, adding
six feet per round to the animal’s movement rate for up to four
turns. This requires a Proficiency Check each turn in order to see
if the mount can be pushed harder. If the initial check fails, no further
attempts can be made, but the mount can move normally. If
the second or a later check fails, the mount immediately slows to
a walk, and the character must dismount and lead the animal for
a turn. In any event, after four turns of racing, the steed must be
walked by its dismounted rider for a turn.

The character can guide his mount with his knees, allowing
him to use weapons that require two hands (such as bows and
two-handed swords) while mounted. This feat does not require a
Proficiency Check unless the character takes damage while so
riding. In this case, a check is required and failure means that the
character falls to the ground and sustains an additional id6
points of damage.

The character can drop down and hang alongside the
steed, using it as a shield against attack. The character cannot
make an attack or wear armor while performing this feat. The
character’s Armor Class receives a bonus of +6 when this
maneuver is performed. Any attacks that would have struck the
character’s normal Armor Class are considered to have struck
the mount instead. No Proficiency Check is required.

The character can leap from the back of his steed to the
ground and make a melee attack against any character or creature
within 10 feet. Due to the difficulty of the feat, however, the
player must make a Proficiency Check with a -4 modifier to succeed.
On a failed roll, the character fails to land on his feet, falls
clumsily to the ground, and suffers ld3 points damage.


Ape, gorilla
beetle.x -> see Monstrous Manual
Bear, brown
boar, giant -> see Dragon 245. as well, orcs ride giant boars: cf. Battlesystem.
Camel, bactrian
Camel, dromedary
centaur -> see the centaur article in Dragon
<Dinosaur, allosaurus>
Dinosaur, Pteranodon(?) (C5)
Dinosaur, Styracosaurus(?) (Battlesystem)


Dog sled (7 dogs)
Elephant, African
Elephant, Asiatic
fly.giant (1)
Herd animal (Caribou)
    Horse, draft
    Horse, heavy war
    Horse, light war
    Horse, medium war
    Horse, wild
subterranean lizard
mammoth? -> howdah required ?
mastodon -> howdah required ?
Ram, giant
Weasel, giant. <3e Dragon cover>
Wolf, dire.
Worg (Warg) (N2),

Dragonfly, giant (atomie)
Raven, giant

<move some of the above and the below to airborne riding>

Reference, From the Dragonsfoot Saloon:

felorn: What critters do you allow to be mounts
felorn: ?
felorn: My friend want's a giant salamander.
atherton: horses, cattle, camels
felorn: Would you allow?
atherton: woolly mammoths, elephants
atherton: possibly
atherton: but they might be disagreeable
felorn: I wonder how I could introduce one.
atherton: what creatures would you allow as mounts?
atherton: I forgot the mythical creatures
atherton: I'd include dragons, sphinx, pegasus, centaurs
Bloated Blowfish Has exited the room
felorn: All of those except centaurs
felorn: Unicorns
atherton: of course
felorn: Dire animals.
felorn: Wyvern
felorn: Some spiders
atherton: including a dire wolf?
felorn: Possibly
felorn: Depending on the character
felorn: A small character yes.
atherton: bit scrawny aren't they?
felorn: It could hold a hafling
felorn: Or gnome
atherton: then you'd include dogs too I'd guess
felorn: Yup
felorn: Big cats <note: i don't think that big cats have the spinal strength for this>
felorn: aswell
felorn: hippogrifs
jobatett Has entered the room
felorn: Nightmares
jobatett: back
felorn: Griffons
atherton: and griffons
jobatett: Nightmares? What kind?
atherton: golems
felorn: Sharks, and behemoths
felorn: The evil horse kind
jobatett: oh
jobatett: Nightmare like the monster?
felorn: Oh and drakes
jobatett: The DEMON HORSE
felorn: We are talking about mounts Joba
jobatett: What is the talk about?
jobatett: Oh, ok
jobatett asks Pathfinder DM "If I find the Sandpoint Devil, can I ride it? PLEASE!"
felorn: I want a gelatinous cube mount...
felorn: My character Felorn, will have one... One day...
jobatett: heh

atherton: Gooner, same question to you, what mythic/animal mounts do you allow?
prespos: leather boots .. LOL ..
prespos: shh .. Elly .. we might get banned from Dragonsfoot for writing 'the B-word'
prespos: lol .. back to scrubbin'
Eliana: dogs, horse, mule, poney, camel, bull, & others if the setting\world and circonstances make it proper...
atherton: mammoths? woolly rhino's?
Eliana: I had players with pegasus, griffon, giant eagle, giant owl, celestial xxx and even a dragon
atherton: centaurs? sphinx? griffons/hippogriffs? ki-rin?
Eliana: I had goblings riding boars...
prespos: was writing about that 2 days ago .. no time for the details, now
Eliana: yes centaur, hyppogriffs,...
prespos: (1eSG rules: animal training, riding, etc.)
atherton: did I show you the pig picture from over here Eli?
Eliana: nope?
atherton: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/giant-boar-pic-is-no-hoax-say-pilbara-witnesses/story-e6frfku0-1225719166190
Eliana: wow...
Eliana: Giant Australian BBQ

<make sure to get permission for name usage>

stag (grugach, MM2)
weasel, giant (Dragon 3xx)