Men : Caveman (Tribesman)

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level I])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Hills], [Cold Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains], [Temperate Wilderness Hills], [Temperate Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Hills], [Tropical Wilderness Forest])

NO. APPEARING: 10- 100 (120)
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 2 (1)
% IN LAIR: 40%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ {0 = 16 | 1 = 15 | 2 = 14 | 3 = 13 | 4 = 12 | 5 = 11 | 6 = 10 | 7 = 9 | 8 = 6 | 9 = 5 | 10 = 4}
NO. OF ATTACKS (Tribesman): 1 <2 with shortbow> ~ {0 = 19 | 1 = 18 | 2 = 17 | 3 = 16 | 4 = 15 | 5 = 14 | 6 = 13 | 7 = 12 | 8 = 11 | 9 = 10 | 10 = 9}
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
INTELLIGENCE: Low (to average)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: I | 20 + 1 (28 + 2 if armed with missile weapon)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE (Tribesman): I | 10 + 1 (14 + 1 if armed with missile weapon)

<moved>Cavemen are primitive, very fierce humans found in areas which are otherwise uninhabited by humans.

They tend to be frightened by the unknown, so subtract 1 from reaction dice in such morale checks. <convert one integer on the 2-12 scale to d%: -8%?>

Weapons: Cavemen are armed as follows:
01-10 spear & stone axe  10%
11-30 stone axe  20%
31-80 club  50%
81-00 spear 20%

Treat stone axes as battle axes, clubs as morning stars.
Note that due to their strength <16> cavemen add +1 to damage rolls.

#E: For every 10 cavemen there will be an additional F3. <B3>
Cavemen will always be led by a 5th level fighter (chief) with 1-4 4th level subchiefs -- all in addition to the number indicated by the dice.
For every 10 cavemen encountered there is a 10% chance that they will have a 3rd level cleric with them (also a caveman, but possessing normal cleric spells). <revise this with the DMG info. cleric should be read as shaman>

Lair: Cavemen always lair in caves || caverns. There will be females and young
equal to 100% and 50% respectively of the number of males encountered.

    Treasure: There might be a chance that they will have ivory tusks, gold nuggets, or
    uncut gems -- allow 5% chance for each per 10 cavemen, but if any one is
    indicated there will be no other treasures. Ivory is valued at 1,000 gold
    pieces per tusk (2 men to carry each), and there can be 2-12 tusks. Gold
    nuggets are the size of 5 gold pieces, and there can be 20-80 of them.
    Uncut gems are base 10 gold piece value, and there can be 1-100 of them.

Tribal Spell Casters : Shamen (C* maximum) OR witch doctors (C* / MU4 maximum). Not recommended for random encounters.

* Cavemen tribes have normal clerical members.


FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Forest], [Tropical Wilderness Swamp])

Primitive tribesmen are typically found in tropical jungles or on islands.

They use large shields. <move>

#E: Their leaders conform to those of
cavemen, but they have the following additional figures:

1 -- C4 for every 10 tribesmen
1 -- 6th level cleric for every 30 tribesmen
1 -- 8th level head cleric (witchdoctor)

Tribesman clerics will be druidical in nature.

Weapons: Tribesmen are armed as follows:

    shield, spear & club     30%
    shield & 2 spears     40%
    shortbow & club     30%

Treat tribesmen’s clubs as maces.

Lair: These men dwell in villages of grass, bamboo or mud huts. There is a 50%
chance that the village lair will be protected by a log palisade. The village
will contain females and young equal to 100% of the males encountered.
There is a 75% chance that there will be 20-50 slaves. There is a 50%
chance thot there will be 2-12 captives (food!) held in a pen.
    Treasure: Their treasure is exactly that of cavemen, but the tribesmen can possess all three types.