Bronze Dragon (Draco Gerus Bronzo)


FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IV]) (VY, Y: Very young, Young)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level V]) (SA, YA: Sub Adult, Young Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VI]) (A: Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII]) (O: Old)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII]) (VO: Very Old)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level IX]) (AN: Ancient)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level X]) (AN, VO: Ancient, Very Old)

FREQUENCY : Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Rare ([Temperate Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY : Rare ([Temperate Saltwater Surface])

FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Rare ([Tropical Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY : Rare ([Tropical Saltwater Surface])

MOVE : 9"/24"
HIT DICE : 8-10
% IN LAIR : 45%
NO. OF ATTACKS : 3 ~ 12 (HD 8 or 9) | 10 (HD 10)
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 1-6/1-6/4-24
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapon + possible magic use
INTELLIGENCE : Exceptional
ALIGNMENT : Lawful good
SIZE : L (42' long)

    Speaking : 60%
    Magic-Use : 60%
    Sleeping : 25%

Bronze dragons prefer to dwell in subterranean lairs near substantial bodies of water such as lakes || seas.
Despite their love of wealth, bronze dragons are basically of beneficient nature.
They often assume the form of some animal in order to observe the affairs of humans.

The attack of a bronze dragon is either a claw/claw/bite or either of two breath weapons -- a bolt of lightning 10" long and 1/2" wide, or a repulsion gas cloud 2" long by 3" wide by 3" high which affects those within it just as a repulsion spell (move away from the dragon for 6 melee rounds unless a saving throw versus dragon breath is made).

Magick use: Magic-using bronze dragons gain a first level spell at their 1st and 2nd growth stages,
an additional second level spell at their 3rd and 4th growth stages,
third level spells at the 5th and 6th growth stages,
and very old and ancient dragons gain additional spells of the 4th level;
thus an ancient bronze dragon would know two each of 1st through 4th level spells.
These spells should be selected randomly.

DLA: Fond of war and fighting, bronze dragons
are large, nearly 42 feet in length. They prefer
to live near large bodies of water, such as lakes
or oceans. They are extremely interested in the
affairs of mankind. In ancient times, it was
believed that they often took the form of
domestic animals simply to observe men.

Bronze dragons attack with teeth and claws or
either of two breath weapons--a bolt of lightning or a repulsion gas cloud to keep victims at a
distance. They speak a variety of languages.

The bronze dragon Khirsah, who later
became known as "Tasslehoffs Dragon," is
the only dragon ever known to allow a dwarf
or a kender to ride upon his back. (Tas often
claims that Khirsah has accompanied him on
certain adventures following the war. If so,
that would certainly be remarkable for the
usually serious-minded dragons.)

8HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
9HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
10HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)

XP Totals by Ardanow Silverbow

BRONZE DRAGON (additional special abilities: low AC)
Dragon, bronze (small, very young) 1155 (1430 w/spells)
Dragon, bronze (small, young) 1235 (1510 w/spells)
Dragon, bronze (small, sub-adult) 1415 (1690 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (small, young adult) 1570 (1845 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (small, adult) 1825 (2100 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (small, old) 2005 (2180 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (small, very old) 2085 (2260 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (small, ancient) 2165 (2340 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, very young) 1608 (2008 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, young) 1716 (2116 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, sub-adult) 1924 (2324 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, yng adult) 2032 (2432 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, adult) 2740 (3140 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, old) 2848 (3248 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, very old) 2956 (3356 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (average, ancient) 3064 (3464 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, very young) 2390 (2990 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, young) 2530 (3130 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, sub-adult) 2820 (3420 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, young adult) 2960 (3560 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, adult) 4000 (4600 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, old) 4140 (4740 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, very old) 4280 (4880 w/spells)
dragon, bronze (huge, ancient) 4420 (5020 w/spells)

Bronze Dragon of Pern