All humans, as well as those semi-humans and non-humans in close
contact with people, speak the "common tongue". This language is
spoken by all states in the central campaign area, but your referee may
well have areas in which the common tongue is different from that which
your character speaks.

In addition to the common tongue, all intelligent creatures able to
converse in speech use special languages particular to their alignment.
These alignrnent languages are: CE, CG, CN, LE, LG, LN, NE, NG, and Neutrality.
The alignment of your character will dictate which
language he or she speaks, for only one alignment dialect can be used by
a character (cf. CHARACTER CLASSES, The Assassin). If a character
changes alignment, the previously known language is no longer able to
be spoken by him or her.

In addition to the above, druids (q.v.) have their own special tongue, and
thieves have their secret speech, the Thieves' Cant.

Therefore, a character will speak at least two languages - common and
alignment. He or she might also be able to converse in the special patois
of druids or thieves. Semi-human and non-human characters are able to
speak racial tongues as well. (See CHARACTER RACES.) In most
campaigns, it is likely that open alignment speech will be frowned upon as
a serious breach of social etiquette.

A character can learn additional languages. Even the rather slow (80 I.Q.)
can learn one additional language. However, his vocabulary, usage, and
ability to translate must, perforce, be limited. The very bright can learn
five, six, or even seven. (For details of the number of tongues which can
be learned see CHARACTER ABILITIES, Intelligence.)

Here is how a new
language is learned:

The character must find a person (human, semi-human, or non-human) or <>
talking creature who speaks the language which is to be learned. The
character must then be in close proximity to his or her instructor for up to
1 year, and prior to that period the language can be learned one month
early for each point of intelligence above 12. Thus, a character with 13
intelligence learns the new language in 11 months, 14 intelligence learns
in 10 months, all the way to 18 intelligence which requires but six months
to learn. Only one new language can be studied at any given time.

Which languages are knowable in a campaign is strictly up to the DM who
runs it. The following list gives some of the languages typically used:


Ancient Baklunish
Old Oeridian
The Cold Tongue

All of the above may not normally be available due to campaign
circumstances, and languages not listed might be common.
Consult your DM.
Note that if, for example, you capture a centaur or talking dragon of some sort, it is possible to learn the appropriate creature tongue.

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