Invisibility, 10' Radius

L^: mu3, i3
R#: T
D^: S
C^: v.s.m (i: v.s)
CT: 3
S^: None
A^: 10' radius
 of creature touched
psionic encounter: 25%

Effect: This spell is essentially the same as invisibility (q.v.).

Those affected by it cannot see each other. <however, see below>
Those affected creatures which attack negate the invisibility only with respect to themselves,
not others made invisible, unless the spell recipient causes the spell to be broken.

Aranion wrote:
Good morning, Gary! Another AD&D question for you:

For the third level magic-user spell Invisibility, 10' radius, does the spell affect all creatures within 10' of the recipient, rendering them invisible and able to move about invisibly (unless they attack, cast a spell, etc.), or does it create a shell of invisibility that moves with the recipient, so that friendly and hostile creatures can enter into the shell becoming invisible or move 11' or more away and become visible?

Thanks again for your incredible patience and willingness to answer questions about the game.


The said spell creates a "shell" around the caster, and it moves with him. Any individuals within it are made invisible, that state being broken if they take offensive action, but the spell itself is brioken only if the caster does that. So if nine persons were made invisible, the eight others affected could take offensive actions at various tmes and leave the caster invisible.


Greg Ellis wrote:
Col_Pladoh wrote:
The said spell creates a "shell" around the caster, and it moves with him. Any individuals within it are made invisible, that state being broken if they take offensive action...

So an enemy who managed to sneak into that area (or blundered into it unintentionally) would find himself invisible?


How would that individual know he was invisible?
He would see all those within the radius of the spell, and they would see him.
Rather like entering an area covered by a camo net...


Disclaimer: Gary's current interpretation of invisibility 10' radius — while always appreciated and insightful into how he runs his games —
is clearly not the same as the spell described in AD&D®, which clearly states, "Those affected by it cannot see each other."


Gotta love a rules lawyer...NOT 

You remind me of the kid that argued with me in a big seminar I was conducting at a GenCon.
I told him that I didn't give a hop in hell about what was written in the book.
If something better came to mind, it was in and the text was the DM's discretion, of course 

It should be obvious that I have found something that I consider better and more logical than what I originally wrote, something akin to the effect of Harry Potter's cloak as Deogolf mentioned.

Use it or not in your campaign and tell the rules lawyers to buzz off 


