Monster Summoning II

L^: mu4
R#: 4"
D^: 3r + 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4
S^: None
A^: S
DMG: Monster Summoning

Effect: This spell is similar to the third level monster summoning I spell (q.v.).
Its major difference is that 1-6 second level monsters are conjured up.

There is also a 1-4 round delay.

MC: A tiny bag and a small (not necessarily lit) candle.

Monster Summoning II
Dice Score Monster Summoned
01-15 Centipede, giant
16-25 Devil, lemure
26-45 Gnoll
46-60 Stirge
61-75 Toad, giant
76-00 Troglodyte

Monster Summoning II, Fresh Water
Dice Score Monster Summoned
01-00 Lizard man

Monster Summoning II, Salt Water
Dice Score Monster Summoned
01-33 Ixitxachitl
34-00 Locathah