(Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)
11/2" wide at end, 1/2" wide base |
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Effect: When this
spell is cast, the illusionist causes 7 rays of the prismatic
sphere spell (q.v.) to spring from his or her hand.
Any creature in the area
of effect will be touched by 1 or more of the rays.
To determine which ray strikes
the concerned creature, roll on eight-sided die:
d8 Roll | Colour | Effects of Color |
1 | red | Deals 20 points of damage (save for half damage) |
2 | orange | Deals 40 points of damage (save for half). |
3 | yellow | Deals 80 points of damage (save for half). |
4 | green | Poison (save or die). |
5 | blue | Turns to stone (save negates). |
6 | indigo | Causes insanity (save negates) |
7 | violet | Creatures sent to another plane (save negates). |
8 | struck by 2 rays, roll again twice ignoring any 8s | Roll twice, ignoring the result |
Save: Saving throws apply only with respect to those prismatic color rays which call for such.