Stone Shape

L^: d3, mu5, wj5
R#: T
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: d: 3 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot / level
mu, wj: 1 cubic foot / level
MP: 42, 43

Effect: By means of this spell the M-U can form an existing piece of stone into a shape which will suit his or her purposes.

For example<>, a stone weapon can be made, a special trapdoor fashioned, or an idol sculpted.
By the same token, it would allow the spell caster to reshape a stone door, perhaps, so as to escape imprisonment,
providing the volume of stone involved was within the limits of the AREA of effect.
While stone coffers can be thus formed, secret doors made, etc., the fineness of detail is not great.

MC: Soft clay which must be worked into roughly the desired shape of the stone object
and then touched to the stone when the spell is uttered.

MC.druid: requirement of mistletoe as an additional component to enable a druid to cast the spell.

Wu Jen: By means of this spell the wu jen can form existing stone into various shapes, such as a stone weapon, a door or trap door, or a coffer.
The degree of carving is not great, but rough shapes may be created.

MC.Wu Jen: Soft clay, which is worked into the shape of the stone desired.