Helm of Brilliance

Enc.: 4.5
XP: 2,500
GP: 60k 
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

When discovered, a helm of brilliance appears to be
nothing more than an ordinary piece of armor for head protection, viz. a
helmet, basinet, sallet, etc. of iron or steel.

When worn, it functions only
upon the utterance of a special command word. When so empowered the
true nature of the helm is visible to all. The helm is armor of +2 value. It is
of brilliant silver and polished steel, and set with 10 diamonds, 20 rubies,
30 fire opals, and 40 opals - each of large size and magicked - which
perform as explained below. When struck by bright light the helm will
scintillate and send forth reflective rays in all directions from its crown-like
spikes set with gems. The jewels‘ functions are:
10 Diamonds Prismatic spray (as the seventh level illusionist spell)
20 Rubies Wall of fire (as the fifth level druid spell)
30 Fire Opals Fireball (as the third level magic-user spell)
40 Opals Light (as the first level cleric spell)

Each gem can perform its spell-like power in but 1 segment, but each is
usable only once. The helm may be thus used once per round. The level of
the spell is doubled to obtain the level at which the spell was cast with
respect to range, duration, and such considerations. Until all of its jewels
are magically expended, a helm of brilliance also is capable of the following
magical properties when activated:

1.    Holy Aura: It glows with a bluish light when undead are within 30’, this light
        causing pain and 1-6 points of damage to all such creatures save
        skeletons and zombies.

2.    Flaming Weapon: The wearer may command any sword he or she wields to become a
        sword of flame (q.v.) , this being additional to its other special
        properties, if any; 1 round of time i s required to effect this fire.

3.    Produce Flame: The wearer may produce flame just as if he or she were a 5th level druid.

4.    Resist Fire: The wearer is protected iust as if a double strength fire resistance
    ring were worn, but this protection cannot be augmented by further
    magical means.

Once all of its jewels have lost their magic, the helm loses all of its powers.
The gems turn to worthless powder when this occurs. Removing a jewel
destroys the gem. They may not be re-magicked.

If for any reason the wearer fails to make his or her saving throw versus a
magical fire attack, he or she must attempt another saving throw for the
helmet without magical additions. If this is failed, the remaining gems on
the helm will all overload and detonate, causing in multiple whatever
effects the gems would normally have.


Q: Does the sword of flame ability of
a helm of brilliance bestow any
magical properties to a sword that
the helm?s user carries?
A: A nonmagical sword becomes the equivalent
of a flame tongue sword. Magical
swords gain the powers of a flame tongue
sword in addition to their own. If the
sword was a flame tongue weapon to
begin with, double the effects of its
powers when used with the helm (see the
DMG, pages 145-146 for the helm and
page 165 for the sword).