(Greater god)
<Trickster God>
<Against the invaders>
<Against the destroyers>

Greater god

<make sure image is original size>

MOVE: 24"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18/3-18/3-30
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Polymorph others (-3 to save)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Polymorph self, shape change
SIZE: M (6')
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
SYMBOL: Large raven
PLANE: Elemental Plane of Air
CLERIC/DRUID: High Priest (C12), Druid (D12)
FIGHTER: Raven Lord (R10)
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: Wizard (MU16), Illusionist (I16)
THIEF/ASSASSIN: Master Thief (T14) <scout?>
S: 19 I: 24 W: 24
D: 25 C: 23 CH: 22
Com: - -

                                              Clerics       Raiment                                                                Sacrifice/Propitiation
Sphere of Control Animal M F N-H Head Body Color(s) Holy Days Frequency Form Place of Worship
nature; creation raven X X - bare loincloth black n/a varies offerings fireside

The Raven is the great transformer-trickster who is responsible for the creation/transformation of the world.
Because of his great polymorph/shape change abilities he can appear in virtually any form he chooses. <e?>
In addition to a raven, he may also appear as a fox, a jay or the moon.
He will fight only as a last resort and then only as a giant raven.
Although known as the great provider for mankind (including the giving of
fire) the raven loves to play tricks usually for the purpose of obtaining
food to satisfy his ravenous appetite.

He io most likely to intervene on the behalf of his worshipers when they are in need of necessities.
The most successful way to appeal to him is by offerings of food.
American Indian Mythos - - - DDG

Very early versions referred to Raven as a trickster, the god of fucking up white people
Don't get me wrong: I am white and I Love white people (mostly the women and the food). 
The artistic license is misunderstood without the context of a trickster god. 

I wouldn't do the same thing today, but I left the history here as an example of a mistake I made when I was younger. 
AD&D is a Game, and it shouldn't be a soapbox for politics and maybe even recent history. The RCMP, backed by the 
Canadian government attempted to carry out what I see as spiritual genocide. So I look Raven in the eye, and I don't 
worry about cultural appropriation too much here. Ha! Knowing my luck, some trcikster is really going to fuck me up later on today. 
Me, I think I'll live and maybe even get a chuckle out of it. By including a bit of history of the First Apocalypse, the theory and Hope 
is that things will work out to the advantage of the First Nations of Canada, and, to the Tribes of the United States of America. 
Now it is Time for me to go. FUCK! Who stole my salmon! I had a big salmon steak, and Now it is gone. AARRRGHH!