
Cloud Giant Firbolg Fire Giant Fog Giant Fomorian Giant
Frost Giant Hill Giant Mountain Giant Stone Giant Storm Giant
- - Verbeeg - -

Giants are huge humanoids. In addition to the six major races of
giants (see AD&D MONSTER
MANUAL - Giant), there are at least these two sub-races. Common
characteristics are given here, while the unique features of each subrace
is detailed under the heading appropriate to each.

All giants are very strong, with strengths ranging from 21 to 30 as
compared with humans. Because of this strength, they are able to pick
up rocks and hurl them as if the missile were shot from a catapult, but
without the minimum range restriction of the device.

Whenever they leave their lair, giants of all sorts will always have a
huge sack with them. Giant's bags contain various odds and ends of
things precious only to the giant: a large rock or two, and from 1,000
to 6,000 coins of some type - usually gold.

Although giants are often stupid, they are usually cunning, too. They
can sometimes be tricked and will be likely to bargain if approached
from a position of strength. It is not unusual for giants to agree to
share in an undertaking with a group of creatures of similar
alignment to that of the giant, for these huge monsters are eager for

Young giants will have hit points and do damage according to the percentage
of a normal adult male indicated by the dice roll.

Each race of giants speaks its own particular dialect which is unintelligible
to other races. They also speak their appropriate alignment