(Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms)
(Prince of the Air)
(Lesser God)


FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])

MOVE: 12" / 36" // 24" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: 155 hit points
% IN LAIR: 15%
TREASURE TYPE: [S], [T], [U], [V], [W], [X], [Z].  <(There is a 5% chance that the heart of Pazuzu is a Nanorion stone)>
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type, +8 (strength bonus)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit
INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: M (7' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: All / immune to psionic attacks
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 65,000

Pazuzu, or Pazzuzeus, is unlike all other lords of the Abyssal Planes in
that he rules the skies above all of the layers, at least to some extent. He
differs in several other ways as well. Pazuzu does not compete for
worship on any plane or in any place, for he considers himself above <D97?>
competition. Instead, he treats all those with power on the Lower Planes
equally (if not actually regarding them as equals). Pazuzu can travel
freely in the whole of the Lower Outer Planes and is known to be on
amicable terms with mighty daemons and the dukes of Hell. Pazuzu is
also able to enter the PMP at will. Whether he does this
by means of his own power or some secret artifact in under question.
Pazuzu is the lord of all evil flying creatures, and those under 5 HD will
obey his every command if he is within sight of them.

The main efforts of Pazuzu are devoted to the PMP.
There he uses his powers to gain followers and servants. His especial
joy is to turn LG clerics and paladins from their alignment to his
own service. This he accomplishes by first causing them to speak his
name aloud 3 times in succession. The alignment change does not occur
yet, but the summons brings Pazuzu to the person speaking. Pazuzu
then explains that the summoner may call upon him for aid at any time.
Pazuzu may in turn ask a service immediately or demand it after his aid
has been gven. Compliance with any request or demand of Pazuzu will
then change the alignment of the servitor. All such actions tend to bring
chaos but not always direct evil. Although chaotic, Pazuzu will
help those obeying him and serving him if it suits his purpose or amuses him at
the time. Of course, the more frequently service is rendered, the greater
the evil, and the more evil the servants become.

It is said that Pazuzu has a great sense of humour, and at times he has not
taken umbrage at a check or defeat dealt to him, particularly if the
opponents were clever and intelligent and managed to outwit him. In
addition to the powers typical of all demons, Pazuzu has the following
spell-like abilities which he is able to employ at will, 1 at a time, 1 per round:
astral travel <astral spell> call lightning control weather darkness (within a 20-foot radius) flesh to stone
shape change statue symbol (1 each of pain, hopelessness, death) tongues unholy word
wind walk - - - wish (once per day)

<alt: replace some of the above with wu jen spells of the Air element>

Pazuzu also has a breath weapon,
and he is able to employ it 3 times per day,
causing 1 of each of the following breath effects:
creeping doom, insect plague, poison gas (size equal to green dragon breath).

In defense, Pazuzu will seldom employ a weapon, preferring to send his
bodyguard (typically 6 Type VI demons [not listed in MONSTER MANUAL I]) and
use his spell-like or mental (psionic) powers. He can
summon 4-16 harpies (50%), 3-12 perytons (25%), or 3-12 gargoyles (25%) with 90% probability.

Pazuzu can also gate in 1-4 succubi with 75% probability once per day.
In general, Pazuzu prefers to play with and torment victims and opponents
rather than use radical attack forms except in life or death situations.
Pazuzu has double normal infravision and ultravision.
He regenerates at the rate of 1 HP per round.

Pazuzu can appear as nearly any creature, although he generally takes
the form of either a human or some creature of the air. In his true form
he appears as a tall humanoid with 4 wings. Although he is handsome,
his features betray a great evil, and his eyes glow red. Pazuzu has a
noble brow and a large head, a solid, muscular body, and taloned, avian feet.
<compare to image>