FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Hills])

MOVE: 18" (plus special) (MC: A) <alt: 18" + Arc (MC:A)>
HIT DICE: 6, 9, or 12
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 + 1 point/HD
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Electricity immunity <alt>
MAGIC RESISTANCE: [SB] <Water susceptibility, Fire resistance, Acid resistance>
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (chaotic)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1000 + 15

Creatures of this sort inhabit the Elemental Plane of Air and the +Positive Material Plane+. <note: Plane of Lighting(Air+Positive)?, Plane of Electro-Magnetism?>
They are rare even in those places. <note at FREQUENCY>
During a great lightning storm on the PMP,
large numbers of lightning quasi-elementals will sometimes gather.
During such violent thunderstorms,
the creatures feed and reproduce.

Arc: In addition to normal movement,
lightning quasi-elementals can "arc",
leaping up to 6" to any grounded or metallic object of mass greater than 50 gp.
Such leaping arc is in +addition+ to normal movement,
coming either at the beginning or end of it.

There are 3 HD categories of quasi-elementals,
and the small 6-HD variety are most common in the PMP (60%),
the 9-HD size less common (30%) and the 12 (or more)-HD size rarest of all (10%).
In the Elemental Plane these figures are reversed, <Quasi-Elemental>
the smallest quasi-elemental being encountered 10% of the time,
and the largest type encountered 60% of the time.

Globe: In addition to normal attack of electrical discharge by touch,
a creature of this sort can discharge 1 small globe of ball lightning each round for 6, 9, or 12 rounds (depending on HD).
This globe will float near the quasi-elemental until some creature of large mass (2000 gp or more) or with a large quantity of conductive metal comes within 5 feet.
The ball lightning will then MOVE to that object and discharge,
inflicting 1-4, 1-6, or 1-8 points of damage,
depending on the size of the quasi-elemental that discharged it.

Lightning quasi-elementals can be harmed only by +1 or better magic weapons.

If the weapon used against such a creature is of conductive material,
its wielder will suffer electrical damage of 1-4 points whenever the weapon strikes the lightning quasi-elemental.

Electricity Immunity: Lightning && electrical attacks do no damage.

Fire && acid do only half-normal damage.
Cold does full damage.

Water Vulnerability: Water attacks inflict 1-8 points of damage per gallon,
or double full normal damage.
   For example,
    an ice storm spell does 6-60. <note: technically, ice storm is not a water spell, but an ice spell> <in the case of an ice-storm, i would recommend halving the effects of the vulnerability>
Falling water,
as in some form of rain,
inflicts 2 points of damage for each 1/10th of an inch of precipitation which falls upon the creature.

Lightning quasi-elementals have no known social organization.
It is generally not possible to conjure quasi-elementals,
although powerfuls MUs have been known to do so.

<comma added above, in title>