
L^: mu6
R#: 0
D^: 1 day/level
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: None
A^: The magic-user

Effect: By means of this spell,
the magic-user is able to place another spell upon his or her person so that the latter spell will come into effect upon occurence of the situation dictated during the casting of the contingency spell.

The contingency spell and the spell it is to bring into effect -- the "companion" spell --
are, in effect, cast at the same time (the 1-turn casting time indicated above is a total for both castings).
The spell to be brought into effect by the prescribed contingency must be one which affects the magic-user's person
(feather fall, levitation, fly, statue, feign death, etc.)
and of a level no higher than one-third of the caster (rounded down), to an upper limit of 6th level:
a 4th level "companion spell" maximum at 12th, 13th, or 14th level of experience;
a 5th level maximum at 15th, 16th or 17th level of experience,
and a 6th level maximum at 18th level of experience and beyond.
Only one contingency spell can be in effect upon the spell caster at any one time;
if a second is used, the first one (if still active) is cancelled.

The situation prescribed to bring the spell into effect must be clear,
although it may be rather general.
    For example, a contingency cast with an airy water "companion spell" might prescribe that any time the magic-user is plunged into or otherwise engulfed in water or similar liquid, the airy water spell will instantly come into effect.
    Likewise, the contingency could bring a feather fall into effect anytime the magic-user falls over 2' distance.
In all cases, the contingency immediately brings into effect the second spell,
the being "cast" instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances occur.
Note that complex, complicated, and/or convoluted prescribed conditions for effecting the play of the dweomer are likely to cause the whole spell complex
(the contingency spell and the companion magic)
to simply fail when called upon.

MC: The material components of this spell are
(in addition to those of the companion spell)
100 gp worth of quicksilver,
an elephant ivory statuette of the magic-user,
and an eyelash of an ogre magi, ki-rin, or similar spell-using creature.
Note that the ivory statuette is not destroyed by the spell casting (although it might be subject to wear and tear),
and it must be carried on the person of the spell caster for the contingency spell to perform its function when called upon.

        Contingency was devised by David Waksman, overall winner of the 5th Invitational AD&D Masters Tournament - D68.24
