Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain
Greater god

MOVE: 9" (48")
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 10-40 (+14)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Summon elementals
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit
SIZE: L (18')
WORSHIPER'S ALIGNMENT: All alignments (dwarves)
SYMBOL: Gem inside a mountain
PLANE: Concordant Opposition
CLERIC/DRUID: 15th level cleric / 14th level druid
FIGHTER: 16th level fighter
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: Special / 14th level illusionist
THIEF/ASSASSIN: 12 level thief
S: 25 (+7, +14)  I: 23  W: 25 
D: 20 C: 25  CH: 18 (24) 
Com: 13 (16) - -

Dumathoin is said to hide the secrets of the earth until they are ready
to be uncovered by the diligent and the deserving. He is the protector
of the mountain dwarves, the keeper of all metals. He lays veins of
iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral where he feels they will do the
most benefit to his followers when found. Dumathoin has never been
known to speak, instead keeping his wisdom to himself (though he
may send subtle clues to keen observers on the nature of the world).

When Moradin named him protector of the mountain dwarves, Dumathoin
created a “paradise” for the mountain dwarves to enjoy. He
was angered at first when the dwarves started to “destroy” the mountains
he had provided for them, but his anger turned to pleasure when
he saw the finely crafted metal items the dwarves produced from the
ore they had mined. His enemies are those (dwarven or otherwise)
who plunder the earth’s riches and take them away for unfair or selfish
purposes. He does not object to tunneling, mining, or the keeping
of treasures underground, however. Miners see him as their patron,
and often carry a small diamond or gemstone in their pockets (10 gp
value) to attract the favor of the god.

Dumathoin appears to be a gigantic dwarven figure with hair and
beard of gray stone, earth-brown skin, and eyes of silver fire. He owns
a great two-handed mattock + 5 of solidified magma. Once per day,
he may summon 3-18 earth elementals (16 hit dice each) at will instantly;
they will fight for him to the death. Dumathoin may also use all
metal-, earth-, or stone-related magic-user spells at the 30th level of
ability, but cannot use any other magic-user spells. Unlike most other
dwarven deities, Dumathoin maintains friendly relations with nondwarven
deities, though only a few. One of his closest allies is
Hephaestus, whom he supplies with adamantite ore. Other gods of
metalcraft and the earth sometimes do business with Dumathoin and
his representatives for metals and ores as well. For these reasons,
clerics of this god are sometimes involved in business ventures in the
selling of metals and similar materials.

                                                              Clerics             Raiment                                                             Sacrifice/Propitiation
Sphere of Control Animal M F N-H Head Body Color(s) Holy Days Frequency Form Place of Worship
secrets, earth - - - X(m) bare leather brown new moon monthly gems & jewels underground temple

SA: dwarven clerics of Dumathoin (issue #58) might have amulets that duplicate the functions of Wands of Metal and Mineral Detection;
Dwarven Pantheon Dwarves - Clerics Unearthed Arcana

