Other Magic Items |
It is an obvious premise of the game that
magic items are made somewhere
by someone or something. A properly run
campaign will be
relatively stringent with respect to the
number of available magic items, SO
your players will sooner or later express
a desire to manufacture their
own. Do not tell them how this is to be
accomplished! In order to find out,
they must consult with a sage
(q.v.) or a high level character of the proper
profession, the latter being detailed
a bit hereafter.
Magic items are made by high level magic-users,
except those items which
are restricted to clerics and special
racial items and books, artifacts and
relics. Books (including tomes, librams
and manuals), artifacts, and relics
are of ancient manufacture, possibly from
superior human or demi-human
technology, perhaps of divine origin,
thus books, artifacts, and relics cannot
be mode by players and come only from
the Dungeon Master.
&& elven manufactured items - the +
3 dwarven war hammer,
certain other magic axes and hammers,
cloaks and boots of elvenkind,
magic arrows, magic bows in some cases,
and even some magic daggers
and swords -- are likewise beyond the
ken of PCs of these
races. Only very old, very intelligent
and wise dwarves and elves who
have attained maximum level advancement
are able to properly forge,
fashion, and/or make these items and hove
the appropriate magicks and
spells to change them into special items
- i.e., these items are likewise
the precinct of the DM exclusively.
This still leaves an incredible range of
magic items which player characters
can aspire to manufacture. It is a sad
fact, however, that these aspirations
must be unsatisfied until the player character
achieves a level of ability
which is one greater than nominal highest
level - high priest, druid,
wizard, illusionist. That is, a player
character must be at least an 11th level
high priest, an archdruid, a 12th level
wizard or an 11 th level illusionist in
order to manufacture magic items (except
with respect to potions and
scrolls, as will be discussed hereafter).
Furthermore, a player character
may manufacture only those items particular
to his or her profession or
items which are usable by professions
not able to so make magic items
only. Thus, a cleric is unable to fashion
a wand usable by magic-users or illusionists,
a magic-user cannot manufacture a clerical
magic item, etc.
There is a further prohibition upon clerics
regarding the making of items
which are prohibited to their profession
or which are of opposite alignments;
this restraint does not extend into the
sphere of magic-users as a
class. Thus, clerics cannot manufacture
magic swords, though magic-users
ADQ: When a M-U creates a new
magick item, at what level does it function?
Up to what level of spells can be
placed into an item?
ADA: Use the guidelines for wands,
and rods (at 6th, 8th, and 10th levels
magick use, respectively) for similar
(Note that a magick missile scroll made
by a
19th level caster will produce 10 missiles
(total damage of 10d4 + 10), so scrolls
be of any level.) Other items should range
between 5th and 10th level in most cases.
Any level of spell
can be placed in an
item, but the better the effect, the more
expensive the item. A device of insufficient
quality will be ruined if overly powerful
enchantments are attempted.
(Polyhedron #24)
Potions may be made by any magic-user
of 7th level or above, if he or she
enlists the aid of an alchemist
(q.v.). At levels above the 11 th , such
assistance is no longer mandatory, although
it will reduce the amount of
money and Time
the player character must spend making the potion by
50% of the compounding/infusing time normally
required, as the
alchemist will be so employed instead.
In order to begin manufacture of a potion
(and they may be made only
one at a time), the magic-user must have
a proper laboratory with fireplace,
workbench, brazier, and several dozen
flasks, dishes,
mortar and pestle, basins, jugs, retorts,
measuring devices, scales, and so
forth! Such implements are not easily
obtained, being found only at alchemical
shops or produced upon special orders
by stone masons, potters,
glass blowers, etc. Initial outlay for
the creation of a workshop, assuming
that the place already has a fireplace,
would cost between 200 and 1,000
g.p. This cost is based on the relative
availability of the tradesmen and
goods necessary to complete the work room
and stock it properly. The DM
may certainly require a greater expenditure
if the campaign has inflation
and/or shortages. In addition, upkeep
of the laboratory requires a further
monthly outlay of 10% of the total cost
of the place, exclusive of any
special provisions or protections, in
order to stock basic fuel and supplies,
replace broken equipment, and so on when
the laboratory is in use. (Note:
The place is always in use if the player
character has an alchemist in his or
her employ, for the alchemist will continually
putter and experiment,
always to no particular end, when not
engaged in specific work for the
In order to avoid the length and complication
of separate formulae for
each type of potion, the following simple
system is given. Both the cost in
gold pieces and the days of compounding
and infusing are determined by
use of the experience points award (as
shown on the list of magic items)
amounts. If no experience points are shown,
then the potion has a 200 g.p.
base for cost and time determination.
The point award for a given potion is
also the amount of gold pieces the magic-user
must pay in order to concoct
the basic formula - with rare herbs and
spices and even more exotic
ingredients. The number of days required
to brew the potion is the same
figure, each hundred or fraction thereof
indicating one full day of
compounding time to manufacture the liquid,
i.e., 250 x.p. = 250 g.p.
basic costs and 3 full days of time.
Most important to the manufacture of a
potion is the substance of its
power, the special ingredient. The list
of potions and special ingredients
possible is given for your convenience
only. You may opt for any reasonable
special ingredient you deem suitable for
a potion, keeping in mind
difficulty of obtaining the material (hopefully
high or greater) and its
sympathetic equivalency or relationship
to the end result of quaffing the
Poison: Only
assassins of 9th or higher level may concoct ”potions” of
poison - or any other sort of poison,
for that matter. Refer to the section
on assassins for details of special forms
of poison. No laboratory or
alchemist is needed, but cost and time
are found as if a normal potion was
being prepared.
Suggested Special
Ingredients For Potions:
Type of Potion | Suggested Special Ingredients |
animal control | organ or gland from representative type or types to be controlled |
clairaudience | human or simian thalamus gland
or ear from an animal with keen hearing |
clairvoyance | human or simian thalamus gland
or eye from an an animal with keen sight |
climbing | insect legs (giant) |
delusion* | doppleganger flesh or
rakshasa ichor |
diminution | powdered kobold horn and wererat blood |
dragon control | brain of the appropriate dragon type |
ESP | mind flayer brain |
extra-healing | fire elemental phlogiston or
salamander scales |
<10> flying | hippogriff feathers and wyvern blood |
gaseous form | vampire dust or
ogre magi teeth |
giant control | brain of appropriate giant type |
giant strength | drops of sweat from appropriate giant type |
growth | ogre magi gland |
healing | ogre magi blood or
thread of saint's garment** <remy> |
heroism | heart of a lion or
other similar giant cat |
human control | vampire eye or
nixie blood |
invisibility | invisible stalker ichor |
invulnerability | gargoyle horn or
lycanthrope skin |
<20> levitation | beholder eye (from stalk) or
will-o-wisp essence |
longevity | dragon blood and treant sap or
elf blood |
oil of etherealness | shedu fat or
demon brain |
oil of slipperiness | purple worm gland or
liver of giant pike |
philter of love | dryad hair |
philter of persuasiveness | harpies' tongues or
devil tongue |
plant control | shrieker spores and umber hulk eye |
polymorph (self) | mimic skin or
succubus hair |
poison | special |
speed | pegasus heart and giant weasel blood |
<30> super-heroism | giant wolverine blood and minotaur heart |
sweet water | water elemental eye or
triton blood |
treasure finding | gold dragon scale and <6> different powdered gem stones |
undead control | dust of freshly destroyed spectres or
vampire brain or ghost ectoplasm or lich blood |
water breathing | water naga blood or
nixie organs |
*Alternatively, a 5% to 20% failure percentage
can be assigned to all
potion manufacture, and those which are
failures become delusion
potions of the sort which was being attempted,
i.e., animal control, flying,
** Possible only if a cleric compounds the potion.
Scrolls are exceptional in that they are
simply storage space for spells of
one sort or another. Clerics, druids,
magic-users, and illusionists inscribe
scrolls with spells applicable to their
particular professions. Protection
spells are scribed by either magic-users
or clerics, the determination being
as follows:
Clerical Protection Spells | Magic-User Protection Spells |
- | MAGIC |
Curse scrolls can be made by any sort of spell user noted above.
Scrolls may be inscribed only by characters
of 7th or higher level, and the
spells placed upon the scroll must be
of a level which the inscribing
character is able to employ, i.e. a 9th
level magic-user could not place a
7th level spell on a scroll. (Note that
the write spell enables the magic-user
to inscribe his or her own reference works
so as to be able to read and remember
higher level spells than he or she is
currently able to use; it does
not enable casting or scroll inscription.)
A scroll of spells may be inscribed only
upon pure and unblemished
papyrus, parchment, or vellum -the latter
being the most desirable. Any
mistake will doom the effort to failure.
A fresh, virgin quill must be used
for each spell transcribed.
The quill must
be from a creature of strange or
magical nature, i.e. a griffon, harpy,
hippogriff, pegasus, roc, sphinx of
any sort, and similar monsters you elect
to include (demons, devils,
lammasu, etc.).
The material upon which the scroll of spells
is to be written can be
purchased at the following cost guidelines:
papyrus, per sheet | 2 g.p. and up | + 5% chance of failure |
parchment, per sheet | 4 g.p. and up | +/- 0% chance of failure |
vellum, per sheet | 8 g.p. and up | - 5% chance of failure |
<see DMG: +/- was closest i could, for now. better anyway, because easier? ... game school>
The type of material used will affect the
likelihood of successful transcription,
as listed above. Special quills cannot
normally be purchased, for
only common goose or similar feather instruments
are available in shops.
The would-be inscriber must arrange for
the special writing tools as he or
she can.
Ink is a very special requirement. Scroll
spell ink, iust as the ink for detailing
spells in spell books, is compounded only
by the inscriber from secret
and strange ingredients. The basic medium
should be sepia from a giant
or ink from a giant octopus. To this liquid must be added blood,
powdered gems, herbal and spice infusions,
draughts concocted from
parts of monsters, and so on.
example of a formula for the ink required
to scribe a protection from petrification
spell is shown below:
1 oz. giant
squid sepia
1 basilisk eye
3 cockatrice feathers
1 scruple of venom
from a medusa‘s snakes
1 large peridot, powdered
1 medium topaz, powdered
2 drams holy water
6 pumpkin seeds
Harvest the pumpkin in the dark of the moon and dry the seeds over a
slow fire of sandalwood and horse dung. Select three perfect ones and
grind them into a coarse meal, husks and all. Boil the basilisk eye and
cockatrice feathers for exactly 5 minutes in a saline solution, drain,
place in a jar. Add the medusa’s snake venom and gem powders.
Allow to stand for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Pour off liquid into
bottle, add sepia and holy ,water, mixing contents with a silver rod,
stirring widdershins. Makes ink sufficient for one scroll.
Other ink formulas will be devised similarly
according to the dictates of the
DM. Ingredients should suit the overall
purpose of the ink. It is recommended
that each different spell to be transcribed
require a different ink
compound - clerical spells requiring more
venerated and holy materials,
druid spells being basically rare roots
and herbs in infusions, and so on.
Garments, wrappings, dust, sweat, tears,
teeth, fangs, organs, blood, and
so forth are all ideal components.
Once material, quill, and ink are ready,
the spell scriber must actually
write the magical runes, glyphs, symbols,
characters, pictograms, and
words upon the surface of the scroll.
Transcription must be from his or her
scroll books or upon an altar (for clerics
and druids). Special candles and
incense must be burning while the inscription
is in progress. Clerics must
have prayed and specially sacrificed to
their deity, while magic-users must
have drawn a magic circle and remain uninterrupted.
THE SCROLL. A 1 st level spell takes one
day, a 2nd level spell two, etc. Time
so spent must be continuous with interruptions
only for rest, food, sleep,
and the like. If the inscriber leaves
the scroll to do anything else, the magic
is broken, and the whole effort is for
Failure: There
is a basic
20% chance that a mistake, smudge,
or flow in the scroll will make the spell useless.
To this base chance
is added 1% per level of the spell being inscribed,
so that total failure chance is from 21% to 29%,
minus the level of
the character attempting to write the spell.
<[eg.]> Thus, if a 14th level cleric is attempting to write a 7th level
spell on a parchment scroll, the failure chance is 20% + 7% - 14% = a 13%
After the requisite materials and preparations
have been taken care of, the player
character must then spend the full time
necessary to inscribe the scroll
spell. Thereafter, a percentile dice roll
greater than the percentage chance
of failure equals success.
If multiple spells are being scribed, a
failure of one means that no further
spells may be placed upon the scroll.
In any event, o maximum of seven
spells may be written on a single scroll.
As o spell is read from the scroll, its
letters and figures writhe and glow, the
magic is effected, and then the
lines fade and are gone forever. (In order
for a magic-user or illusionist to
transcribe a heretofore unknown spell
from a scroll to his or her books, a
read magic and then a period of time equal
to that necessary to place the
spell on the scroll are required; this
likewise causes the spell to disappear
from the scroll.)
The scriber of the spell does NOT need
a read magic spell to use his or her
own scroll spells, just as clerics and
druids never need the aid of magic to
read appropriate scroll spells.
Fabrication Of Other
Magic Items:
All of the various other magic items will
require the use of the magic spell,
enchant an item, save clerical items.
With respect to the former, you must determine
which spells and ingredients
are necessary to the manufacture of each
specific magic item.
For example,
a PC wizard of 15th level desires to make a ring of
spell storing. He or she commissions a
platinumsmith to fashion a ring of
the finest quality, and pays 5,000 g.p.
for materials and labor. He or she
then casts the enchant
an item spell according to the
PLAYERS HANDBOOK instructions.
As DM, you now inform him or her that
in order to
contain and accept the spells he or she
desires to store in the device, a
scroll bearing the desired spells must
be scribed, then a permanency spell
cast upon the scroll, then the scroll
must be merged with the ring by some
means (typically a wish spell). As all
of that could not be done in time, the
ring would have to be prepared with the
enchant an item spell again. Of
course, you could tell the player before,
if you are soft-hearted or he or
she i s intelligent enough to ask before
starting the ball rolling.
The above-mentioned ring of spell storing
could be made without the
benefit of a permanency spell, and spells
could be stored within, but they
could only be called forth once, and then
the ring would be useless.
Wands and other chargeable items do not
require permanency, and of
course they are used up when all the charges
are gone. Items with a
permanent dweomer (such as weapons, armor,
most rings and miscellaneous
magic items) do require a permanency
spell to be made continuously
Question: In the DMG
it says that rechargeable items can be recharged and yet it says elsewhere
that once they are used up, they can’t be recharged.
Please clear this up for
Answer: Any items
that are rechargeable have to have one charge
left in them to be recharged.
To recharge them, you cast spells at them.
One major problem with such
items is that one is never sure how many charges they have.
Q: The DMG says that
magical items
usable only to certain classes
be made by members of that
How do fighters, for instance,
magical swords?
A: The DMG
does not say that items usable
only by certain classes
can only be made
by those classes. You seem
to be confused
by the section at the top
of the second
column on page 116, which
limits magicusers
to the fabrication of magic-user
items and
those items usable by classes
that can?t fabricate items
What the DMG does say is
that a magical
item?except one usable only
by clerics?
requires the use of an enchant
an item
spell in its creation. There
are, however,
three exceptions to this
First, items usable only
by or directly
associated with demi-humans
(such as the
hammer +3, dwarven thrower)
can only
be created by very old,
intelligent, and
wise demi-humans of maximum
Exactly how this is done
is not important,
because PCs cannot create
them in any
case, although individual
DMs might wish
to specify a process anyway
(see the DMG,
page 116, first column).
Second, items usable only
by illusionists
require the illusionists?
equivalent of
enchant an item. In some
campaigns, this
is assumed to be a major
creation spell
cast upon an item in the
same manner as a
mage casts enchant an item.
The procedures
that illusionists must follow
discussed on page 118 of
the DMG.
Third, magical tomes, librams,
artifacts, and relics are
assumed to have
been created by lost civilizations
or by
deities. Again, the exact
procedure is
unspecified because such
items can never
be created by PCs. Certain
other items,
such as a deck of many things,
might also
fall into this category,
at the DM?s option.
A cleric of 11th or higher
level prepares
to create a magical item
by gathering rare
materials and constructing
items, just as a magic-user
does. But,
instead of using an enchant
an item spell,
a cleric must make further
investments in
robes and other accouterments
for worship.
The cleric then prays over
the item
he wishes to enchant until
his deity sees fit
to enchant it. The details
of the procedure
are similar to those of
the enchant an item
Q: What spell is cast
upon a magical
item to create something
with a
magical "plus," for either
combat or
saving-throw purposes?
A: The item's creator
must cast an enchant
an item spell or its equivalent
on the item.
Since a ?plus? is not a
spell effect per se,
no additional spells are
required, but
additional casting time
is required. Each
?plus? counts as a fourth-level
spell cast
upon the item (see the enchant
an item
spells description in the
Players Handbook,
pages 83-84).
ADQ: Could a character
manufacture a
wand of permanency?
ADA: No. As a rule
of thumb, any spell
effect of 5th level or higher
level is too powerful
to be placed in a wand.
Staves are more
expensive, but can handle
effects up to 7th level,
or cleric (or illusionist)
effects up to 6th level.
Rods can produce
any cleric or illusionist
effect, and M-U
effects up to 8th level.
The creation
of powerful items must be
controlled, lest the campaign
suffer. Since
the charges in a rod of
permanency could be
used on living creatures,
the creator loses 1
point of CON for each charge
in the device (and has a
5% chance of losing
a point while making the
item, as per DMG
pg. 46)
On a
related note: DMs must be sure to
apply the aging effects
of certain spells
(DMG pg. 13) to maintain
Game balance.
Otherwise, after manufacturing
items as
described above, a powerful
mage could
simply wish the lost points
of CON
back (at the rate of 1 per
wish per point until
16 is reached), thus suffering
no ill effects
from the applications of
(Polyhedron #21)
and druids making an item which is applicable
to their profession
must spend a fortnight in retreat, meditating
in complete isolation. Thereafter,
he or she must spend a sennight fasting.
Finally, he or she must pray
over and purify the item to become magical
(this process takes but a day).
Of course, the item must be of the finest
quality iust as detailed in the
enchant an item spell description. Thereafter
the cleric or druid must place
the item upon his or her altar and invoke
the direct favor of his or her deity
to instill a special power into the item.
There is a 1% per day cumulative
chance that the item will then be empowered
as desired, providing the
cleric or druid has been absolutely exemplary
in his or her faith and alignment
requirements. Furthermore, if the item
is one with charges, the cleric
or druid must then take i t into seclusion
and cast the requisite spells upon
it, doing so within 24 hours of its being
favored by the deity. In other cases,
the item need only be sanctified to the
appropriate deity in order to
complete its manufacture.
In all cases, the manufacture of any magic
item other than a potion or
scroll will be.so debilitating as to necessitate
the maker to rest for one day
for each 100 g.p. of the item’s experience
point value, i.e. one with a 2,000
experience point value means 20 days of
complete rest. During this period,
the character con do nothing except eat,
rest, undertake mild exercise, and
sleep - all in relative isolation. No
adventuring or spell use is possible
during this period!
Fabrication Of Magic Items By Illusionists:
Though different spells are employed, the
process of fabrication of magic‘
items which illusionists use is not really
very different from that used by
magic-users. It is almost exactly similar
as regards costs in both time ond
money. Some processes are also nearly
identical, such as the making of
scrolls, which may be done at the 7th
level and up.
At the 11 th level illusionists may be
able to create one-shot or charged
magic items, things without a permanent
dweomer, such as potions or a
wand of illusion, for example. Such items
are really merely storehouses of
magical energy which can be released in
various ways. Like any other
spell-caster, the illusionist must fashion
the item out of rare and expensive
materials, but instead of using enchant
an item to prepare the item to receive
its enchantment, the illusionist uses
major creation to subtly alter its
structure in a magical direction so that
it can receive and retain the
necessary spells. During the next 16 hours
after casting the major creation,
the illusionist instills the primary initial
dweomers into the item, and if his
concentration is interrupted even once
during this period, the item
instantly fades and forever disappears,
like an illusion that has been
Beginning at 14th level an illusionist
may attempt to make items with a
truly permanent dweomer, such as a + 1
dagger or a ring of protection, for
example. This entails a similar process
to the one described above. The
crucial difference i s that after a major
creation spell has been used to
adjust the material obiect, an alter reality
must be cast to fix i t permanently
in place and make i t able to contain
a permanent magic. Thus, with
a great expense in time, money and preparation,
major creation, alter
reality and true sight spells, and an
unflawed gem worth not less than
10,000 g.p., an illusionist might be able
to create a gem of seeing.
The basic thing to remember if details
are in question is that illusionists are
a sub-class of magic-users, and except
for what has been outlined above,
what applies to magic-users applies to
illusionists as well.
Fabrication of Magic Items by Charmed or Enslaved Magic-Users:
It is absolutely necessory that you take
note that any sort of charmed,
magically persuaded, or otherwise enslaved
magic-user will be totally
unable to function in such a manner as
to allow the fabrication of any sort
of magic item -scroll, potion, or otherwise.
The discipline and concentration
demanded by such activity absolutely precludes
individuals of this sort
from manufacturing magic items. If a player
character should attempt to
have such a character fabricate items,
allow the usual amounts of time
and money to be expended, and then inform
him or her that the results are
negative. If the player character opts
to have the enslaved individual
continue, soy nothing, but the attempts
will continue to be fruitless.
Question: Are demi-humans able to manufacture magical items?
Answer: Yes, of a
wide variety of types, though not as many as humans
are able to make because of the demi-humans’ limited ability to climb in
class levels.
Halfling, gnomish, half-elven,
elven, and dwarven clerics of 5th level and above may make
holy water with the proper materials, as outlined in the DMG.
Gnomish, elven, and dwarven
clerics of 7th level or above may inscribe scrolls of clerical spells of
up to the 4th level in power. *
Half-elven and elven magic-users,
with the aid of an alchemist, may make magic potions of many sorts at 7th
level and above;
they may also inscribe magic
scrolls with spells of up to the 4th level (for 7th or 8th level half-elven
magic-users) or 5th level (for elves of 9th-11th level in magic-user ability).
Protection scrolls may also
be inscribed.
Half-elven Archdruids can,
of course, make any druidical magic item.
this, what can be done?
DMs might wish to consider
the following possibilities.
Gray elves (faerie)
are supposed to get a +1 on their intelligence scores, bringing
their maximum intelligence
up to 19. Could these elves perhaps also reach the 12th level of magic-user
ability with a 19 intelligence? **
At that point, they could
manufacture a number of other
magic items, particularly
those with a number of charges that
are expended with each use
of the item but may be replenished
later (wands, staves, spell-storing
rings, and so forth).
Yet it
would appear, from some comments in the DMG
116), that demi-humans are
sometimes capable of making
items with permanent dweomers.
A DM could declare that
a demi-human cleric who reaches the highest possible level is able to invoke
the favor of his or her deity to permanently enchant certain items, ***
in the same way as normal
clerics of 11th level or above, or druids of 13th level and above.
The range of the items that
could be so enchanted might be
limited so that the items
would be oriented toward the needs
and capabilities of that
race (as the Cloak of Elvenkind and
Boots of Elvenkind are appropriate
to elves, and the Dwarven
Thrower +3 Warhammer is
appropriate to dwarves).
might be able to make a wide variety of
items in this way, such
as magic swords, bows, spears, arrows,
armor, shields, daggers,
helms, and any other such item as
appropriate to the use of
elvenkind. DMs could
declare some items as not
being the sort elves would want to
make, either because of
cultural concerns (elves do not gener-
ally use axes or tridents)
or because those items are beyond
their ability to make (Wish
rings, for example).
might make and enchant items of
illusionist nature (daggers,
rings charged with illusionist spells,
certain wands and amulets)
of temporary or lasting nature;
other gnomish clerics or
fighter/clerics might make magical
axes, hammers, armor, shields,
daggers, short swords, and
missile weapons.
clerics or fighter/clerics would
make the same sorts of things
gnomish clerics make.
clerics and druids do not achieve as high a level at their maxi-
mums as do the other demi-human
races, so it may be conjec-
tured that their magic items
would not be as powerful, but DM’s
might want to investigate
the possibility of some minor magic-
item creation appropriate
to halflings in general.
excellent resource material for figuring out what sorts
of specialized magic items
a certain demi-human race could
make may be found by looking
over the description of the
particular pantheon
that race worships. What sorts of weapons,
armor, and items do their
deities use? One could simply devel-
op scaled-down versions
of the gods’ major weapons and
equipment and define those
as items able to be fabricated by
demi-human spellcasters.
druids who worship Sheela the Wise
(issue #59 of DRAGON™ Magazine) might use permanently enchanted shillelaghs
or amulets that store Entangle spells;
clerics of Dumathoin (issue #58) might
have amulets that duplicate the functions of Wands of Metal and Mineral
Faenya (issue #60) could have elven followers with rings of Feather
Falling or Avian Control;
and gnomes
who are clerics of Segojan Earthcaller
(issue #61) could have enchanted crystals that would summon (on a one-time
basis) a minor earth elemental for assistance.
In any event,
DMs should try to keep such
magical items rela-
tively rare; DM’s should
also note that demi-humans will not
want to sell or give away
their magic items and will fight to keep
them. Only in extraordinary
circumstances, such as for acts of
great heroism or deeds that
greatly benefit a particular race,
will demi-humans even consider
giving away a magical item.
* (Update: Dwarven,
elven, and gnomish clerics may inscribe spells of up to 5th level and 6th
on scrolls, depending on sub-race and WIS)
** (Update: Yes,
gray elves with a 19 INT can attain L12)
*** (Update: Remember
that in all cases, a WIS of 20-22 is req. for a demi-human cleric to attain
the max. level in the cleric class)
The anhkheg’s eyes (and the
fluid therein) are useful to alchemists and magic-users in the creation
of sight-related magic potions and items. (5)
<note: an insect's vision
is pixel-like, so I sorta don't get this one. is it because of an extremely
high concentration of Vitamin A, like a polar bear's liver?
If so, this should be noted
at the creature description. Perhaps the equivalent of a mild ingestive
poison if the Vit. A theory is correct.>
Bombay wrote:
Hey Gary, glad you have
taken the time to do a Q&A, Alot of your answers have been very helpful
and insightful.
I have always had questions about magic items. Many of the modules made for AD&D are loaded with magic items. Sometimes I think there must be an assembly line that is making +1 longswords and +1 plates. Those in my group, we started brainstorming and got off onto a tangent that perhaps that a +1 longsword made, is actually a failed attempt at say a Frostbrand. Or maybe you can "mass" produce +1 longswords for all of your henchmen.
If you care, could you elaborate on the production of such items.
Thanks, appreciate it.
Fast reply:
What do more cautious and retired mages do? why they make magic items to earn a handsome livng, of course. So indeed thate are perhaps 100 each of various sorts of +1 swords--easy to enchant for a moderately able caster. As those blades don't wear out or get destroyed easily, many are likely to be several decades old, some older, some newer. And those +1 swords are scattered over several kingdoms with many millions of inhabitants.
Really, what's so common about 1 +1 sword per 10,000 persons? (-:
This calls to mind the heated debate about smelting and fashioning platinum. I pointed out that any wizard could manage it easilt. The twit contending against the use of the metal then demanded why any mage would do that. "To become filthy rich without risking life and limb," I suggested. End of debate.
Bombay wrote:
Good point, never thought
of it that way.
Thanks for the fast response!
Even though I exaggerated the case a good deal, in truth, all mages aren't interested in derring-do, and they need to make a (good) living somehow!
Bombay wrote:
Thats understandable, just
out of curiosity, what would you make one of your players do to enchant
a Girdle of Storm Giant Str?
Pcs create magic items before
they achieve high level and retire? Never!
What on earth is adventurous about manufacturing?
If they sought a special magic item they quested for it.
Originally Posted by palleomortis
Sounds like the life!! So
what about the xp and the item creations thing?
As for creating items, that
was basically what retired PCs of magical persuation were allowed to do
in my campaign. I left that to other DMs to decide for themselves, but
the clear message is that such things should be discovered by adventues
and quests, not created in the magical lab. Never could much in the way
of magical gear be found for purchase either--maybe +1 arrows or a few
healing potions if I were in a most generous mood.
XPs were not considered for item creation in the original game.
Originally Posted by BOZ
it sure was easier on the
DM that way, but it's a lot of fun for the PC to be able to do this on
his downtime.
IIRC, 2E had "rules" (more
like suggestions) on how to make non-artifact magic items, but everything
was such a challenge that it was just about not worth the effort.
If t palyer can't find something more adventurous for his mage PC to do during downtime that making potent magic utems, let that character take up knitting and tatting. My m-us were always bust re-charging wands and the like until essentially retired. then they made magic items--usually by cmbining two or more existing ones gained honorably in questing <mad>
Originally Posted by Gray
What's the point of creating
a slew of magic items in order to go on a quest in order to find magic
I can see scribing a scroll or two or brewing a potion before an unusually tough adventure, but come on people!
Gray Mouser
Nota Bene:
Mouser gains the Zagyg Seal of Approvel for his observation
Originally Posted by gizmo33
Since the chance of facing
the Mad Archmage in his dungeon seems somewhat safely in the too-distant
future (HINT, HINT), I'll go ahead and disagree:
Creating magic items (ex. knitting a bag of holding), hiring henchmen, building castles, resting to heal wounds, getting a tatoo, etc. are all fine and honorable activities for adventurers IMO during their "down time". There's a natural limit to these activities in most cases, imposed by the resources required. Seems to me that in a world with plenty of opportunities for adventure and trouble, there's enough pressure to adventure that the DM doesn't really have to work too hard to prod.
Zagyg's Raspberries are awarded to all concerned with such flummery. If PCs have the location to house laboratory, forges, equipment, library and the great amount of time needed for creating magical items then they must be elderly and retired, not spry and adventuring.