Girdle of Dwarvenkind

Enc: -
Aura: -
XP: 3.5k
GP: 20k
Magic Items

A great belt of this nature actually lowers the
wearer’s CHA score by 1, but only with respect to non-dwarves
and their ilk.

The girdle causes the wearer to gain 1 point of charisma
with respect to halflings of the stout sort and with respect to all
gnomes as well. Dwarves regard the wearer as if he or she had charisma
2 points higher than before. The dweomer of the girdle also enables
the wearer to understand, speak, and read dwarvish language.
He or she is also empowered to otherwise gain the racial benefits of
dwarvenkind, i.e. + 1 CON, saving throw bonuses based on total
constitution, 6" infravision, and detection/determination of approximate
depth underground as shown in PLAYERS HANDBOOK. All
apply only as long as the individual actually wears the girdle. Benefits
such as additional languages and armor class against giant-type opponents
never apply.