Philosopher's Stone~~


Aura: <faint dweomer of indeterminate sort>
XP: 1k
GP: 10k
<Class: MU, Alchemist>
Magic Items

This is a rare and magical substance which
appears to be an ordinary, rather blackish and sooty piece of rock.

radiates a faint dweomer of indeterminate sort. If the stone is broken
open, a geode-like cavity will be discovered. The interior of this cavity
is lined with a quicksilver which will enable the transmutation of the
base metals, iron and lead, into silver and gold. Either an alchemist or
a magic-user will be required to effectuate such a transmutation, however.
From 50 to 500 pounds of iron can be made into silver, or from 10
to 100 pounds of lead can be turned into gold from a single philosopher's stone.
Transmutation must be made fully upon the first attempt,
all the quicksilver being employed at one time. Better still,
there are two additional substances possible within such a stone. The
first is a greenish, crystalline salt which will allow the manufacture of
1-4 potions of longevity; this substance has a 75% chance of occuring
inside a given stone. The second is a pure white powder which,
when admixed with a potion of longevity, can actually restore life to a
dead human or demi-human if administered internally within one
week of his or her demise (cf. [raise dead] spell). There is a 25%
chance that the white powder will occur. Note that the experience-point
value and gold piece sale value apply only to an unopened stone.

Q: Can two alchemical substances be
found simultaneously within a philosopher's
A: Each stone contains quicksilver, plus
either the green or the white crystalline
salt. No stone contains all three, and the
two salts never occur together (see Unearthed
Arcana, page 101).

<a plant, used to create the philosopher's stone? cf. Killer Plants of France>

