Effect: By means of
a withdraw spell, the cleric effectively
alters the flow of time
with regard to himself or herself.
While but 1 segment of time
passes for those not affected by the spell, the
cleric is able to spend
1 round of time in contemplation. The base
spell duration is 2 segments
(2 rounds, from the cleric’s point of view),
and the cleric adds 1 additional
increment of time for each level of experience
he or she possesses. Thus,
at the 5th level of experience,
the spell caster could spend
up to 6 rounds cogitating on some matter
while but 6 segments of
time passed for all others. (The DM must allow
the spell caster 1 minute
of real time per segment to ponder some
problem or question. No
discussion with non-affected characters is
permitted.) Note that while
affected by the withdraw spell, the cleric
can perform only these particular
acts: the casting of an augury spell,
any curing or healing spells,
or any informational spells - and all
such spells can only be
cast upon the cleric himself or herself. The
casting of any of these
spells in a different fashion (e.g., a cure
light wounds bestowed upon a companion)
will cause the magic of
the withdraw spell to cease. Similarly, the cleric who is affected
by the
withdraw spell cannot walk
or run, become invisible, or otherwise engage
in actions other than thinking,
reading, and the like. The withdrawn
cleric can be affected by
the actions of others while under the
influence of this spell,
and any attack upon the cleric which succeeds
will break the spell.
MC: <not mentioned>
The withdraw spell allows the shukenja to alter the flow of time
for the shukenja only, so that 1 segment of external time
equals 1 round for the shukenja.
The duration is 2 (external)
segments + 1 segment per level of
the caster (2 rounds + 1
round from the caster's point-of-view). While withdrawn, the shukenja may
read, think,
meditate, cast informational
spells such as augury, or curative spells on himself only. Other actions,
walking, becoming invisible,
or curing others ruin the spell.
material component is a small scroll of rice paper.
Q: The second-level
cleric spell withdraw
can be negated by certain
of other spells while it
is in effect. Is
the withdraw negated as
soon as the
caster begins reciting the
spell, or as soon as it
is complete?
Also, does this ruin the
unauthorized spell or not?
A: According to the
spell description, the
caster is unable to perform
any actions
except those specified while
a withdraw is
in effect. The restriction
applies to casting
one of the spells normally
permitted on
someone other than the caster.
The example
given is cure
light wounds, a touch-delivered
spell. The cleric is permitted
cast this spell while the
withdraw is in
effect. But, if he then
chooses to deliver
the curing to anyone save
himself, the
withdraw effect ends. It
is the use of the
indicated spells which is
restricted, not the
actual casting; therefore,
the withdraw
ends after the casting is
complete in any
case, and sometimes still
later, in the case
of a touch-delivered spell.
The spell which
caused the withdraw to end
takes effect
normally, and is not ruined.