
L^: sh1, wj2
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: v (wj: v, m)
CT: 1t
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: This spell is used to forecast the general fortunes of some major undertaking and determine auspicious && inauspicious events.

When the spell is CAST, the shukenja calls upon a deity to grant him some sign regarding
the proposed action. Although the physical aspect of the casting takes very little
time, the shukenja must remain in one place and observe the natural
{events} around him for the entire casting time. At the end of this time, he
sees some omen--a flight of birds, the appearance of an animal, the fall
of a leaf, etc., that indicates the general fortunes of the undertaking planned.

    This spell is commonly used before starting a Dangerous Journey, engaging in a major battle,
or attempting some notable feat. <alt: dj>

The outcome of the spell is determined by two<2> factors.

    * First, the DM should consider the proposed action against info that only he knows.
        For example, the characters are about to leave a village to punish a group of bandits.
        The omen spell is CAST to determine if this is an auspicious time to go.
        The DM knows that the village will be attacked by bandits that night,
        so the result would be an ill omen (since the characters would not encounter the bandits in the surrounding mountains).

    * In situations where the DM has no info on which to base his judgement, 1d10 should be rolled and Table 63: Divination Results consulted.

Table 63: Divination Results
Die Result Result
1-2 Ill omen -- 
the characters should not undertake the task this day. 
If this advice is ignored, all the characters will suffer a -1 on "to hit" and saving throw rolls for the REST of the day. 
Their chance for encounters will be doubled and a -10% reaction modifier is applied for all encounters.
3-4 Great danger exists -- 
The chance for encounters is doubled for the day and a -10% reaction modifier applies to all encounters. 
Adversaries have a +1 applied to their chance to hit. 
5-7 Neutral omen -- 
no special modifiers apply. 
8-9 Favorable omen -- 
The characters will be able to travel half again their normal travelling rate that day. 
Opponents will have a -1 on their chance to hit the character's that day. 
10 Auspicious omen -- 
All the effects of a favorable omen apply. 
In +addition+, the characters gain a +1 on their saves made that day.

    However, omens are infrequent events and interpreting them is difficult.
Due to the strain that this places on the caster, it can only be used once per week.

Wu Jen.MC: This spell is identical to the first-level shukenja spell, omen,
except that the wu jen must burn paper strips written with mystical characters to the four directions as material components for the spell. <use a "Chinese font", here>