(2, INT-2)
(Req: Forge)
COST: 100 gp / mo.
(Cost does not incl. all
renumeration or special fees.
Add 10% of the usu. cost
of items handled or made by these hirelings on a per
job basis, i.e. an armorer
makes a suit of plate mail which has a normal
cost of 400 gp, so 10% of
that suit (40 gp) is added to
the costs of maintaining
the armorer.)
Armour Type | Days to Produce | Skill Level | Required Hirelings |
Helmet, Small | 2 days | High | Armourer |
Helmet, Great | 10 days | High | Armourer |
Padded Armour | 30 days | Low | Tailor |
Leather Armour | 10 days | Low | Armourer, Leatherer |
Ring Armour | 20 days | Low | Armourer, Leatherer, Tailor |
Studded Armour | 15 days | Low | Armourer, Leatherer, Tailor |
Scale Armour | 30 days | Low | Armourer, Leatherer, Tailor |
Mail Armour | 45 days | Average | Armourer |
Splint Armour | 20 days | Low | Armourer, Blacksmith, Leatherer |
Banded Armour | 30 days | High | Armourer |
Plate Armour | 90 days | High | Armourer |
Shield, Large | 2 days | High | Armourer, Carpenter |
Shield, Small | 1 day | High | Armourer, Carpenter |
armorers are
twice as efficient but cost three times as much,
and they
will not generally labor for anyone beyond 1 year of service.
Gnomish armorers are
one and one-half times more efficient than humans and cost twice as much.
Dwarves add 25% to skill
level roll, gnomes 10%.
cost five times the normal rate, and they
fashion only normal chain mail for sale, but it is of the highest quality,
and they
make it in half the time a human would.
(2, 16): This proficiency requires a die roll to determine success.
The character can make all
types of armor presented in the
rules. Armor from the other AD&D game
can only be made if the
character has a piece to copy from, and then is
done with a -2 on the die
roll. In addition, on a modified die roll of 25 or
more, the character has
made "armor of quality" (as explained in the
Treasure section under Armor
and Shields). When making armor, the die
roll for success is made
at the end of the normal construction time. If
armor of quality is indicated,
the character must spend additional time
equal to the normal construction
time of the item to complete the job.
of armor is equal to two weeks for every step of AC
rating below 10. Thus, a
shield would req. two weeks of work,
while a o-yoroi armor would
req. 14 weeks. Normal helmets re.
one week of work and elaborate
helms (with heraldic crests, etc.) req.
one month of work.
If the
die roll is a failure, but within 4 of teh # needed for success,
the character has made usable
but flawed armor. Such armor is one AC
worse than desired, although
it looks like armor of the class it was
intended to be. In +addition+,
any time the wearer is hit on an unmodified 19 or
20, some crucial piece of
the armor is broken. The character's AC
immed. worsens by 4 steps
(although never worse than 10) and
the now-broken armor hampers
his movements, giving him a -4 on all
chances to hit until he
manages to get it removed.
Armorer: This character can make
all of the types of armor listed in the
and UA tomes,
given the proper materials and facilities.
When making armor,
the Skill Check is rolled at the end of the normal construction time.
The time required to make armor is equal
to two weeks per level of AC below 10.
For example, a shield would require
two weeks of work,
whereas a suit of full plate armor
would require 18 weeks of work.
If the Proficiency Check indicates a failure but is within four of
the amount needed for success, the armorer has created usable,
but flawed, armor. Such armor functions as one Armor Class
worse than usual, although it looks like the armor it was intended
to be. Only a character with armorer proficiency can detect the
flaws, and this requires careful and detailed inspection.
If the flawed armor is struck in melee combat with a natural die
roll of 19 or 20, it breaks. The character’s AC immediately drops
four additional classes (although never above lo), and the broken
armor hampers the character’s movement. Until the character
can remove the broken armor (a process requiring ld4
rounds), the character moves at 112 of his normal rate and suffers
a -4 modifier on all of his attack rolls.
If an armorer is creating a suit of field plate or full plate armor,
the character who will use the armor must be present at least
once a week during the creation of the armor, since such types of
armor require very exact fittings.
Equipment: An armorer requires a small forge,
several hammers,
and at least one small anvil. A collection of metal files is
also necessary. Since the armorer needs an especially hot fire to
melt the high-quality iron and steel used in most types of armor,
good ventilation and exhaust
must be provided.
Cost: 1,250 gp (The cost of raw materials is 11-20%(1d10 + 10)of
the value of the finished work.)
Space: 20' x 20'
The Armorer (terrain: mountains,
levels: any) (REF3.5)