30. Goblin Den
This fairly wide cavern bounded by natural columns has a lofty
ceiling. The mingled scents of smoke, seared meat, sweat, and
unwashed clothing hang heavy in the air.

A pit in the chamber floor holds a smoldering fire, where slabs
of meat sizzle on skewers thrust into the ash.

Some of the quarry’s off-duty goblins lounge here. At night, 8
goblins gather around the fire, nibbling on rations and passing the
time. During the day, only 4 goblins are present.

Goblins (4 or 8): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 <2> each; #AT 1; D 1–6
(spear), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<katzbalger, baselard, xiphos, cinquedea>
<cinquedea, katzbalger, short sword, gladius>
<THACO 20>
<XP 40 + 12> 
<XP 80 + 24>

In a fight, 1 goblin scurries to area 32 to acquire a worg mount
while the rest attack. These goblins also respond to any disturbances
in area 32. They are accustomed to hearing occasional
outbursts from area 28, but if a fight there lasts more than 3
rounds, 1 of the goblins here fetches a worg mount and joins
the battle. Meanwhile, 2 more goblins go directly to the battle.

The goblins hide their treasures in clay pots buried in the fire pit.
9 pots hold a total of 700 sp, 200 gp, and 9 bloodstones
worth 15 gp each.
