36. Guardpost
Glowing embers heaped in a pit seem to have driven the subterranean
chill and dampness from this chamber. The place also <est. effective temperatures>
has a table <trestle table> made from crude planks, a few stools and chairs,
and 2 tiers of unmade bunks.

The off-duty guards assigned to area 34 live here—2 humans
at night, and 4 goblins during the day. They spend most of their
time dozing or gambling, but they quickly respond to any fighting
in area 34. It takes them 2 rounds to gather their gear and join
any battle there.

Human Guards (2): AC 4 or 5 <chain mail>; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT
1; D 2–8 (broadsword) or 1–6 (short bow). Each guard carries a
shield (AC 4) but cannot use it while wielding a shortbow (AC
drops to 5). <medium shield, buckler>
<broadsword specialist: #AT 3/2, +1 hit, +2 damage>
<short bow specialist:>
<XP: 88 total>

Goblins (4): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 each <2 each>; #AT 1; D 1–6

(spear), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<short sword, short sword, baselard, cinquedea>
<THACO 20>
<XP: 48 total>

The guards’ personal treasures are kept in areas 6 or 30 of the
guardhouse. Here, they have only their fighting gear and a few
sets of knucklebones.
