39. Diggings
The ringing tones of metal striking stone (or other metal) make
the walls and the air sing here. The stench of smoke and sweat
accompanies the noise. <odor detection, DSG>

Teams of quarry workers labor at these locations day and night,
chiseling stone from the rock. Most of the walls in these areas are
freshly dug and free of luminous fungi, leaving them dark. Brubgrok
has ordered these areas lit with iron lamps similar to those
in the guardhouse; the lamps have been driven into cracks in the

During daylight, 15 humans work here in teams of 2 or 3.
Each tunnel contains 1 team, chiseling and prying stone from the
rock faces. Each digging area also has a mule hitched to a cart or
sledge that the workers slowly load with stone.

These human workers are free citizens from Darkshelf and do NOT
fight unless forced to defend themselves. If confronted with proof
of slaving, they set down their tools and walk back to the village.
If pressed, they agree to guard any captives taken by the PC or escort rescued slaves to Darkshelf.

At night, 25 goblin diggers work here in teams of 2 to
5. Each tunnel contains one team along with a mules. The goblins
attack any strangers who are not escorted by Brubgrok or

Human Workers (15): AC 8; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1;
D 1–6 (improvised weapon).

Goblins (25): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 <2> each; #AT 1; D 2–5
(horseman’s pick), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<3 short swords> 
<3 gladius>
<3 xiphos>
<3 baselard>
<3 cinquedea>
<3 katzbalger>
<4 model 1832 foot artillery sword>
<3 short sword> 
<THACO 20> 
<XP: 300 total>
