19. Brubgrok’s Chamber

As with area 18, this chamber has windows covered with translucent
parchment, and the same rules for cutting and peeking apply.
The stench of sweat, unwashed bedding, and half-eaten food
hangs heavy in this room. The only light comes from a faint glow
from the fireplace, which contains a few smoldering embers, and
whatever filters in through the windows.

The room has no furnishings, just a low dais blanketed in greasy-looking
furs and littered with dirty bowls and a few gnawed

The heap of furs on the dais conceals a small strongbox that holds
350 pp and 10 carnelians (50 gp each). The strongbox is locked
<50, 50, 60, 80, 50, 50, 35, 200, 35, 50, total: 660>
(Brubgrok has the key); the characters can break it open by dealing
20 points of damage to it. The dais also holds 5 furs and
<1 giant beaver coat, 1 giant beaver jacket>
silks worth 200 gp each.

Brubgrok uses this chamber to relax and act like an orc once in a
while. Posing as the industrious Bazili Erak is a drain on him. Brubgrok
is present only about 1/3 of the time (roll 1d6; Brubgrok is
here on a 1–2). The rest of the time, he is out supervising activities
around the guardhouse and quarry or leading patrols.

Brubgrok (half-orc swordsman): AC 2; MV 6”; HD 3; hp 18;
#AT 1 (+2 melee due to Strength and magic sword); D 5–12 (long
sword +1 plus Strength) or 4–9 (long bow plus Strength).
<long sword specialist>
<base THACO 18>

In a fight, Brubgrok tries to eliminate the most dangerous opponent
1st, then mop up the survivors. If he has allies in a fight, Brubgrok
spends at least a few rounds firing arrows at opposing spellcasters
before closing to melee.

Like his elf assistant, Brubgrok pays attention to noises on the upper
level when he is in his room. If the guards at areas 17 or 22
begin dealing with a situation, the half-orc joins the effort after 2
or 3 rounds. He immediately responds to any trouble at areas
18<?>, 20, or 21.
