52. Guards’ Quarters
The corridor ends in a small alcove where a crude wooden <trestle> table
sits, surrounded by a trio of 3-legged stools. 3 piles of
odiferous furs lie roughly in the alcove’s southeast corner. 3
sets of manacles hang from the north wall. Below the manacles,
ugly, reddish-brown stains form streaks all the way down to the
floor. A peg on the south wall holds several rings of keys.

A bugbear snoozes among the furs but quickly awakens if combat
breaks out in area 51 or 53. It takes him 1 round to stand up
and get his wits and gear together.

Bugbear: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3+1; hp 14 <17>; #AT 1; D 2–8 (morning
star) or 1–6 (<ash> spear). <+1 damage>
<THACO 16>
<XP: 203>

The pile of furs contains 3 silver urns. 1 is stuffed with live
coals; the bugbear uses it as a bed warmer. Each of the other 2
urns holds 300 gp, packed in ash, so that a casual look makes
them look like burnt-out bed warmers, though they feel considerably
heavier than the actual bed warmer. The urns are worth 25
gp each.

Most of the manacles hanging on the north wall are spares for use
in area 53, but 3 sets are embedded in the wall. The stains
are souvenirs from times when the guards meted out punishment to
slaves they found troublesome. The keys hanging on the south wall
fit the manacles in here and in area 53.
